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Ruth Newhall

         Ruth Newhall is richly deserving of the accolade "The First Lady" of the Santa
         Clarita Valley. Through her vision and that of Scott, her husband of nearly sixty
         years, the sleepy little Santa Clarita Valley was transformed from its backwater,
         rural status into a burgeoning community with a bright future.

         Arriving in the Santa Clarita Valley in the early 1960s, Ruth and Scott Newhall
         began this metamorphosis through the publication of a crusading newspaper
         which alternately scolded and chastised bigotry,  mendacity,  and tawdriness
         and commended those efforts  to  build a valued community with education,
         culture, acceptance of diversity,  and reverence  for  the past.  The publication of
         The  Signal,  coupled with  their influence in the  design and fulfillment  of the
         planned community of Valencia, set the stage for  the continued growth of the
         Valley as it turned from a series of scattered housing tracts to become a thriving
         metropolitan area that offers true quality of life for its residents.
         Ruth has touched the lives of many thousands of residents of this area. She has
         molded public opinion and generously contributed her time  and energies  to
         dozens of worthy causes; she has stimulated political actions which ultimately
         created local government;  and she successfully championed the  creation of,
         and improvements within,  the community college.  Ruth vigorously advocated
         the expansion of the local hospital,  and she was joined by the  Newhall
         Foundation and magnanimously assisted it and many charitable and cultural
         activities throughout the valley.

                                   Boys and Girls Club
         She strongly supported the development of the Boys and Girls Club and helped
         unite community leaders to  serve as its board members.  They developed an
         organization that provided recreational activities and professional guidance for
         children who, until then, had no direction or programs for youth.
         Over the past two decades Ruth has personally donated thousands of hours to
         this organization. She  has  in  the  past actually written  the  entire Auction
         catalog,  proofed it when others participated, offered  the use  of her beautiful
         mansion for  dinners which she personally prepared and served  to  the  top
         bidders at the Auction. As a means of focusing attention to the special items in
         the Auction, she has generously opened her home on numerous occasions for
         previews of the Boys and Girls Club Auction, where she served as hostess of the

                                     (continued on page 14)
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