Page 12 - vhs1995yearbook
P. 12

Making  t Happen

               Rallies Boost Spirit

               usic blares, the        bell  schedule  and  organize
               crowd  cheers,  and     the  sound  system  for  each
     M teams  become  en-              rally.  People consider me to
     ergized.  This  was  the  atmo-   be the spirit leader, meaning
     sphere  at  our  rallies.  Many   my job is  to  make  sure  the
     people looked forward  to         audience  is  happy  and  ex-
     performances and contests         cited.
     that were varied at each one.   Q:  How do you feel about your
     The purpose of rallies was to     job?
     raise  school  spirit  and  help   A:  "One  of the  funniest  things
     students  build  confidence  in   about  my  job  is  seeing  the
     their teams.  What we do not     enthusiasm of the kids.  I get
     realize is how much time and     excellent  help  from  Emily
     energy is put in to organizing   Payne, chairperson,  and Ali-
     the  rallies.  Mr.  Vincent  ex-  cia  Weger,  spirit  commis-
     plained to us in an interview,   sioner.  Since  I have been an
     what  it  takes  to  organize  a   A. S. B.  director for almost
     successful rally.                 twelve  years,  I  find  it  to  be
     Q:  What do you do to put to-    only a little stressful."
        gether a rally?
     A:  "I  plan  and  organize  ev-
        erything one  week in  ad-
        vance.  I    and  set  the

     The  dance  team  performs  one  of
     their best  dances  called "Who's  that
     man," at the first rally.

                    10 Rallies/Fall Sports
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