Page 14 - vhs1995yearbook
P. 14


                                    Q:  How  much  money  to  you
                                       spend  a  day  on  campus?
                                       What do you buy?
                                   A:  "I spend an average of about
                                      $4.00  a  day.  I  buy  candy,
                                      soda,  and bacon  and  cheese
                                      croissants," -Kori Volkman. "I
                                      buy soda, chips, and an
                                      In-N-Out  burger.  I  spend
                                      around  $3.00  a  day," -Kris
                                    Q:  What in your opinion is  the
                                       worst item sold on campus?
                                   A:  "I  think  the  chicken  sand-
                                      wich  is  the  worst  food  item
                                      sold around here," -Jimmy
                                      Padilla.  "I  think  the  regular
                                      hambureer  and  cheesebur-
                                      ger are the worst food items
                                      sold at lunch," -Jennifer Mor-
                                                                   Matt Kennedy enjoys chomping
                                                                   down on a taco while Matt Ackerson en-
                                                                   joys Matt's ear.

                                    Dig man Tim Telford takes a gulp from   S kittles  bite size candy being enjoyed
                                    his  pepsi  big slam,  because  he's "Gotta  by  Alicia  Weger  and  Jill  Bouchard,
                                    Have It!"                      "Taste the rainbow!"
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