Page 15 - vhs1995yearbook
P. 15

A ngela  Molinar  and  Melanie  Semon
                                                                sitting in  the shade enjoying a wonder-
                                                                ful afternoon eating lunch.

                                                                J eff  Burges  and  Amy  Palafox  take  a
                                                                stroll to the food area.
                                                                                                    Top Ten



                                                                                                   1.  Pepsi
                                                                                                   2.  Dr. Pepper
                                                                                                   3.  Coke
                                                                                                   4.  Mountain Dew
                                                                                                   5.  Sprite
                                                                                                   6.  Juice
                                                                                                   7.  Cactus Cooler
                                                                                                   8.  Root Beer
                                                                                                   9.  Cherry Coke
                                                                                                 10.  Slice


                                                                                                   1.  Taco Bell
                                                                                                   2.  Pizza
                                                                                                   3.  Hamburger
                                                                                                   4.  Blimpies
                                                                                                   5.  French Fries
                                                                                                   6.  Salad
                                                                                                   7.  Candy Bars
                                                                                                   8.  Cookies
                                                                                                   9.  Gummy Bears
                                                                                                  10.  Chips

                                                                                                T hese  two  cheerleaders,  Cindy  Leh-
                                                                                                man and Brittany Umland, are having a
                                                                                                great spirit day.

                                                                                                N icoel  Butler  taking  a  sneaky  bite
                                                                                                while Shannon Modugono smiles pretty
                                                                                                for the camera.

                                                                                                   Student Life 13
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