Page 12 - vhs2001yearbook
P. 12

Plant  Suicide  and  Nihilism  are  upstart

                   Valencia  bands  with  lots  of  potential.  Plant  Sui-
                    cide  with  its  three  members  jam  every  weekend
                    and  have  a  variety  of  influences  including  NIN
                   and  Tool.  Nihilism  has  a  cast  of  four  and  their
                              influences  include  Anti-Flag  and  Rancid.
                           Last  Chance  has  been  together  for  a  year
                     and  has  played  at  Club
                  2000  and  the  Roxy.  They
                  have  already  recorded  one

                    demo  CD  with  six  songs
                  and  plan  to  head  back  to
                     the  studio  to  create  an-
                             other  masterpiece.

                                                         A few of  our  bands:
       1-4.  Lotusphere:  Ryan  Young  (keyboard),  Jordon  Perkins-Lewis  (drums),  Nick
           Alvardo  (guitar),  Dave  McCoy  (bass),  Adam  Stacey  (keyboards)and  Chad
           Dunn  (horns).  5.  Plant  Suicide:  Becca  Graham  (guitar),  Molly  Bramsway
          (bass)  and  Crissi  Wright  (drums).  6.  Last  Chance:  Ryan  Waterson  (guitar),
         Chris  Forrette  (guitar),  Josh  Kenyon  (drums),  and  Kent  Vantewer  (bass  and

        vocals).  7.  Nihilism: Matt  Miller,  Sam  Sytten,  Keith  Chambers  and  Phil  Lind.

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