Page 8 - vhs2001yearbook
P. 8

We all have expectations, hopes and fears about how our lives will proceed.  The future is so uncertain,
         yet there is so much pressure on us to decide our paths.  Who we will become is indeed a mystery and how we
         will get there seems to be the hardest lesson. but so is the question of who we are.  How do we, in all the roles
         that we play in school, relationships, families,jobs and friendships see ourselves? To strangers we"re the
         misunderstood teen; to our families, we' re the prodigy child;
         to our friends we're the midnight hotline in a time of crisis; to
         our boyfriend or girlfriend, we' re the dream come true
         '"together forever".  We seem to be all these things to all these
         people. Coming to know who we are is a lifelong process.
         As children, we're told who we are.  As teens, we·re ex-
         pected to know who we are without the experience to decide.
         It's during our high school years that we are first faced with
         the challenges that help us grow to know ourselves.  But have
         we figured out the puzzle yet?  Do we ever figure 1t out?  We
         need to find the right opportunities to make the choices that
         will enable us to achieve our dreams so that someday ..... .

         . . .  When you can see yourself objectively, appreciate the
         differences that make you unique or when you don't feel the
         need to hide your speciallittle quirks, then you' II  finally
                Know Who You Are ...

         . . . When you finally realize what "'learning from your mistakes"
         means, and you're wise enough to know that it helped you
         reach your goals, then you' II
                Know Where You 're Going ...
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