Page 7 - vhs2004yearbook
P. 7

As  you  gaze  in  the  rearview  mirror  that  is  your  past,
             memories  that  were  previously  hidden  reappear,
             resulting  in  a  reflection  of  where  you  have  been  and
             what  you  have  done.       During  your  elementary  school
             days,  naptime  and  finger-painting  were  the  extent of what
             you  thought  the  future  had  in  store.    High  school  was
             a distant mirage,  much  further away than  imaginable.  Little
             did  you  know  that  while  girls  were  icky  and  boys  had

             cooties,  Valencia's  first  graduating  class  was  flying  over
             VHS,  dropping  marshmallows  on  the  cement,  forever
             leaving  their  mark  as  the  class  of  1997.    There  was  a
             whole  new  and  exciting  world  just  beyond  the  threshold
             of the  elementary  school  that  contained  and  will  forever
             contain  your  childhood  memories.  These  memories  are
             now  blurry  and  lost  for  just  an  instant  as  you  round
             another  corner  on  the  freeway  of  your  life;  however,
             no  matter  where  you  go,  the  recollections  will  forever

             be  piled  up  in  the  backseat,  just  waiting  to  be  recalled.
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