Page 13 - wrhs2007yearbook
P. 13

Students do various activities during their brunch
                                            hours.   Sean Herron and Chelsea Hogle stand
                                      proudly with our beloved mascot.   Student bangs up
                                         car that symbolizes Golden Valley, our rival school.
                                            Justin llar films the inside of James Mins mouth.
                                           It was amazing on the inside.   Kris Ornelas and
                                         Kimberly Jamison show their "grillz" for the camera.
                                          Henry Arroyo, and Jacob Richards perform for the
                                      school during the blood drive rally.   Sophomore girls
                                      clump together to smile for the camera for Halloween.
                                        Kyle Economou, and Jessie Abarquez look tough for     2
                                                                               the camera.                        ial

                                                Between the summer and             Yet,  it is through the student life on
                                         winter vacations, homecoming and  campus that each of us play out
                                         Halloween, Valentine's Day and            our stories.  So celebrate each and
                                         Winter Formal, with our jobs, cars        every student and the memories
                                         and driving, rallies, lunches, and        that are made throughout the
                                         our very first  Every 15 Minutes          year as you cherish the perks and
                                         event, student life is rarely dull.       experiences - everyday adventures
                                                 Day to day, the school            into a world full of knowledge and
                                         itself is a living, breathing thing       opportunity - that shape us as
                                         filled with a variety of individuals,     students of life.
                                         different people with different
                                         stories, coming together daily in
                                         an experience we all dub "school."
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