Page 14 - wrhs2007yearbook
P. 14

People around the world, hear the Wildcat roar!  Summer is
                               everyone's favorite pasttime, full of many memories full of adventure.  This
                                past summer, wildcats traveled the world, learned a few new tricks, and
                               continued to express their own unique creativity with friends.  For junior
                                Melissa Demeyer, it was a summer full of firsts, "I  learned how to surf in Del
                                Mar, "gambled" at the horse races, and parasailed and kayaked in  Lake
                               Tahoe."  Summer vacations are also times to discover the world, "I  went
                               to Alaska for the week and saw what it's all about in a cruise," said Junior
                                Mike Malig.  Of course, students weren't the only ones touring.  Many
                               teachers and other West Ranch staff members also took time to travel.

   Patrick Silvestre and
   Maria Crellin, best friends
   for five years, goof off for
   the camera.
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