Page 10 - wrhs2009yearbook
P. 10

in the

             un                                                                      un

                                                                                   by Lauren Holzer and K.Leigh Furzer

             June 6, 2008.  It was the day we had all anxiously awaited for months.
             AP tests were over, STAR testing had passed, and grades would no
             longer be of concern; but most importantly, we were free.  School
             was out, and the first day of what promised to be a great summer
             was  beginning.  Some  of us  would  spend  our  summers  sipping
             coffee  in  Europe;  others  would  choose  to  spend  their  freedom
             tanning  by the pool.  Regardless  of what you  did, I think we can
             all  agree summer is the most anticipated season  of the year.  Not
             only do we get to spend more time with friends and family, but we
             also get the opportunity to experience new things and learn in our
             own ways.  We  each  go our separate ways for just a few months,
             but in that short time we have a chance to explore ourselves and
             perhaps ponder our futures. Two months and a few weeks does not
             ever seem to be enough time to fit everything in, but we treasure
             the time we have and make the most of it.  When mid-August rolls
             around, one thing is  certain.  We  come back together for another
             year of school and another year of memories.

        Below: (Left to Right) Senior Andy Gohlich, junior Cory Batza, senior McKenzie Svastics   Above: Senior Becca  Seguancia and her cousin  stay local, visting
        and senior Justin Barnes spent four weeks at the California Institute of the Arts studying   Universal Studios.  This theme park is a fun way to spend the day.
        and exploring various art forms.  This pre-college opportunity allowed the students to   Visiting  movie and TV studios is  definitely a perk of living  in  Los
        gain college credit while doing what they love.                 Angeles.

        6 Student Life
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