Page 7 - wrhs2009yearbook
P. 7

t's ten minutes after eight on your first day of school, and you have just
                  stepped out of your car.  Ahead of you lies numerous white buildings and a

                  sea of people that can be seen just beyond the surrounding gates. It would
              appear that you have arrived at a typical high school setting - that is, if you

              don't take the time to appreciate your environment.  With work, classes, and
              social schedules, who has time to realize the depth of their surroundings? West

              Ranch High School is anything but simple; with a dedicated staff, enthusiastic
              student body and constant activity, everyone and everything has a story to tell.

                     The  complicated  nature  of life  is  what  makes  it  interesting.  These
              complexities give meaning to our passions;withoutthem everything we I ivefor

              and work for becomes pointless. The unique character of our lives is what adds
              color to our days. The black and white days are the ones we dread, the ones we

              be without competitive feelings or academics without stressed  deadlines?

              We  must  learn  to embrace the  complicated  to appreci te the  end  result.
                     The  relationship  between two people, whether it be  parent to child,

              teacher to student or even friend to friend, may just be the most complicated
              connection of all.  Surface-level details of a person, such as their name or age,

              does not reveal as much as the obscure details, such as their deepest desires or
              maybe even their most embarrassing moment. Success in obtaining intimate

              information is the only way to avoid a simple and meaningless acquaintance.
              Complicated and  uncertain  relationships are  those that teach  us  the most

              about others, but more importantly, they teach us much more about ourselves.
                     Accepting  simplicity  and  avoiding  the  complicated  aspects  of  life

              is  ultimately detrimental  and  essentially  impossible.                 Boredom  will  soon
              consume your daily life and  living will  seem  like a chore.  Those  in  denial

              of  inevitable  complexities  will  quickly  realize  the  difficulty  in  avoiding
              said  complications.          They  exist  in  everything  we  do;  from  planning

              prom  to  applying  for  college,  varying  elements  create  the  certainty
              of  depth  in  a  particular  person  or  event,  one  not  simply  understood

              by  quick  observance.  You  can't  avoid  "complicated"-it's  that  simple.

                                                                       ,..,,Lauren Holzer and K.Leigh Furzer

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