Page 19 - zontacookbook1985
P. 19

Jl.rtichoke  'Dip

        2 C.  artichoke hearts (not pickled)  1 C.  parmesan cheese
        1 C.  Best Foods mayonnaise     dried onion flakes

        Drain artichoke hearts well. Blend rest of ingredients. Warm in microwave
        ( or low heat in standard oven). Do not cook Serve with Wheat Thins, or any
        of your favorite crackers.

        You won't believe the flavor - it's wonderful, and will be an easy favorite to
                                                       - Moana Steinberg

        Cra6 'Dip

        8 oz.  cream cheese             1 T  unflavored gelatin
        2 green onions,  diced          7 oz.  can crabmeat
           ( omit green tops)              ( or ½  lb.  fresh)
        10  oz.  can cream of           ½ C.  Best Foods mayonnaise
           mushroom soup                lemon juice ( to taste)

        Heat soup and cream cheese until the mixture melts. Dissolve gelatin with 3
        tablespoons of water Pour soup mixture into gelatin mixture and immediately
        remove from heat. Cool slightly Combine onions, crabmeat, and mayonnaise
        with the soup mixture and thoroughly mix.  Pour into a plastic mold  and
        allow to sit8 hours or overnight. Turn mold onto service plate and serve with
        your favorite crackers or breads.
                                                        - Linda Newbold

        'Dip for  ~resh  ~ruits

        1 egg,  beaten                  2 t.  lemon peel,  grated
        ½ C.  sugar                     2 T  lemon juice
        1 T  orange peel,  grated       1 C.  whipping cream

        Cook over low  heat until thick (approximately 5 minutes)  the egg,  sugar,
        orange and lemon peels and lemon juice. Allow to cool. While waiting, whip
        the  whipping  cream  until  fluffy  Fold  sauce  into  whipped  cream  and
        refrigerate until serving.
        Fab'ulous  when  served  with  pineapple,  strawberries,  melons  and  other
        summer fruits.
                                                         - Marie Newbold
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