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         Vol.  II,  No.  5                                 COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS                                            Dec,  13,  1971

         Student Gov't.                                                                                     COC's  SANTA

         Pours  Coffee                                                                                      TO  VISIT  TOTS

                 By  Bi II  Leach                                                                             College  of  the  Canyons  stu-
                                                                                                            dents  will  play  Santa  Claus  to
            In  a  major  policy  action  re-                                                               Newhall-Saugus children enrolled
         cently  the  Student  Council  ap-                                                                 in  the  Head  Start  program.
         proved  the  distribution  of  free                                                                   Under  auspices  of  the  Vet-
         coffee  to  the  student  body                                                                     erans  club,  a  Christmas  party,
         during  the  winter  quarter.                                                                      with Santa and  all the  trimmings,
            The prog_ram,  limited  because                                                                 will  be  held  from  2  to  4  p.m.,
         of  the  expense,  calls  for  dis-                                                                Monday,  Dec.  20, in  the  Student
         tribution  of  free  coffee  four                                                                  Lounge.
         times  a  day,  cme  day  a  week,  for                                                              Guests  Will  be  15  Head  Start
         one  quarter  only.                                                                                youngsters,  their  parents  and
            Service  times  adopted  were                                                                   brothers  and  sisters,  according
         7  to  8  a.m.  and  12  to  12:30 p,m.                                                            to Rick Signoretti,  member  of  the
         for  day  students,  and  5:30  to                                                                 campus  Toys  for  Needy Children
         6:30  p,m.  and  7:50  to  8:20  p,m.                                                              committde  and  vice  president  of
         for  night  students.                                                                              the  Veterans  club.
            In  further  action,  $2,500  was                                                                 Actually,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Santa
         added  to  the  1971  athletic  bud-                                                               Claus will reign at  the  party. The
         get.  The  additional  expenditure                                                                 couple  will  be  elected  at  a
         provided  for  larger  than  .antici-                                                              school dance  staged  at  the  Hart
         pated  expenses  in  track  and                                                                    High cafeteria on Friday, Dec. 1 7.
         cross  country,  basketball,  foot-                                                                  Students  attending  the  dance,
         ball,  golf,.  wrestling  and  base-                                                               with  music  furnished  by the  ''·l"
         ball programs.                                                                                     combo,  are  asked  to  bring  one
         ·  Also,  Niel  McAuliffe,  Fresh-                                                                 toy  for  later  distribution  at  the
         man  1c lass  vice  president,  was                                                                party.
         named  chairman  of  a  new  Draft                                                                    In  addition  to  Mr.  and  Mrs.
         Counseling c<0rnmittee.                                                                            Santa  Claus,  entertainment  will
           McAuliffe  argued that to pres-                                                                  include  singing  led  by  members
         ent  only  the  military  service                                                                  of  the  COC  chorus,  music  bY.
         proselyting  teams  on  campus                                                                     Gail  Morgan- and  he r  guitar,
         is  not  an  objective  approach.  He                                                              games,  and  breaking  of  a  pinata
         believes  stude.nts  should  be                                                                    for  the  special  benefit  of  Mex-
         aware  of  P'Q$pible'  alternatives                                                                ican-American  guests.
         to  military induction.                                                                              The  party  will  be  financed
           Finally ,  a  statement  of  stu-  Let  there  be  light!  Larry  Shields,  photojournalism  student,   principally by  area business  men
         clt>nt  rights  was  proposed  by   produced  this  striking  photograph  which  he  submits  is  appro-  who  are  contributing  the  food,
         Bill  Leach,  Freshman  class       priate  tor  the  Christmas  season  in  this  technological  age  in   drinks,  a  Christmas  tree,  and
         president.                          which we  I ive.                                              some  of the  toys.
           The   statement  gul;lranteed                                                                      Contributors   include  Vons
                                                                                                           Market,  J.  J.  Newberry  Depart-
        that  student  rights  to  freedom  of                                                             ment  store, TG &  Y, and Safeway
        and  secret  sufferage;  to  peace- Take a  Bow, Students;                                         located  in  the  North  Oaks  Shop-
        the  press,  to  universal,  equal
                                                                                                            ping  Center  and  the  Canyon
         able  assembly,  and  to  petition                                                                Country  Plaza,  Saugus.
         rl'dr0ss  of  grievance  would  not  You're Great -Over 30                                           There  will  be  two  Christmas
         thl'  student  government  for  a
         bl'  denied  or  abridged  by  the                                                                trees  at  the  party,  one  of  which
        studt>nt  government.                                     By  Barbara  Fecko                        will  be  decorated  by  the  chil-
           However,  a  lengthy  filibuster   As  this  fall  quarter  draws  to   As  I  walked  up  that  long  hill   dren.
         conducted  by  the  council  ad-  close,  I  can't  help but  recall my   for  the·  first  time,  I  felt  rather   The ·second tree is a  live  pine
         \'isor  tabled  the  motion  until the   feelings  a  year ago.   like  a  Daniel going forth  into the   presented  to  the  school  as  a
         nl'xt  meeting,  when  proponents   · The  decision  to  start  college   lion's  den  of  subversives,  dope   tribute  to  Jim Boykin,  biological
         Pxpected  it  to  pass.          and earn my  degree after  so    fiends  and amoral  pleasure seek-  science instructor, by his biology
           In  another  major  policy  ac-  many  years  away  from  formal  ed-  ers.                     class students.
                                                                                                              Students  who  wish  to  contri-
         tion  the  Student  Council  voted   ucation  was  not  an  easy  one  to   In  reality,  what  I  found  were   bute  toys  may  do  so  in  recep-
         to  hold  some  of  the  Executive   make.  The  work  didn't  frighten   warm,  friendly young  adults
        committee  meetings at night.     me  but,  as  a  full fledged  member   striving  to  find  new  and  con-  tacles  placed  in  various  spots
           The  action,  proposed  by     of  the  "establishment",  I  ex-  crete  answers  to  the  complex   on  campus  this  week  by  the  Vet-
         Associated  Student  Body  Pres-  pected  to  be  greeted  with  hos-  problems  facing  all  of  us  today.   erans  club.
         idt'nt  Don  Allen,  is  intended  to   tility  and  isolation.   Instead  of  the  anticipated  iso-  Any  surplus  of  toys  will  be
         opt'n   stud0nt   government  to   After all,  every night for    lation,  you  were  quick  to  invite   given  to  the  Marine  Corps'  Toys
         participation  by  the  night  stu-  many  months  one  newscast  or   me  to  share  your  world.   for  Tots  drive,  said  Signoretti,
         dl'nts ..                        another  assured  the  audience    Subsequently,  I  have  learned   who  will  act  as  master  of  cer-
           "Too  many  night  students    that  our  students felt  nothing but   much  from  you.  You  have  taught   emonies  at  the  party.
         fl'l'l  this  gon:rnment  does  not   scorn  for  us  archaic  boobs  over                           This  will  be  COC 's  first
              (Cont'd.  on  Page  4)      30.                                    (Cont'd. on  Page 3)            (Cont'd.  on  Page 3)
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