Page 14 - coccanyoncall_fy19711972
P. 14

Editorial                                                                                        Opinion

        The differences between Amer-                                                                         By  Ron  Boydston
      ican  democracy  and  Russian  de-
      mocracy  have  grown  vague  in  re-                                                               If there  is  one  right  which  to-~
      cent  years.  Both  claim  invention                                                            day•s  college  student  prizes,  it
     of the same technological advance-                                                               is the  right  to  bitch.
      ments.  Both  claim  to  be  govern-                                                               It  goes  without  saying  that,
      ments  of  the  people.  Both  claim                                                            once  a  part  of  the  college  popu-
      to  be  the  home  of  the  brave.                                                              lation, an individual automatically
        However,  there  is  one  differ-                                                             assumes the  unlimited  freedom  to
      ence  that  will  promote  America                                                              criticize,  protest,  dissect  and
      over  Russia  as  the  true  def en1 Pr                                                         otherwise igrind(·· up  the  world
      of  liberty.  Only  we  have  a  free                                                           which  he  is  preparing  to  face.
      and  uncensored  press.                                                                            Sooner  insult  one's  mother,
        Yet, this press, so basic to thP                                                              sooner  rob  a  monk  of  his  begging
      protection  of  our  freedoms,  has                                                              bowl,  than  erase  this  freedom
      fallen  prey to extreme criticism to-                                                           from  those  within  the  educa-
      day.  Trivial,  minor  abuses  arP                                                              tional  system.
      magnified  and  amplified  by  many                                                                To  suggest  that  there  is,  per-
      reasons.                                                                                        haps,  a  1 i mi t  to  s u c h  c r it ical
        Some who slander jornalism do                                                                 thought  is to suffer academic  mar-
      so  to  promote  their  own  dogma.                                                             tyrqom. Such a  person is trampling
      Why?  The  answer  is  obvious.                                                                 ?n  freed om  of  thought  and  insult-
        An  unrestrained  press  is  all                                                              mg the god of intellectual enquiry.
      that  stands  between  oppressin!                                                                  Nevertheless,  such  a  proposal
      government actions and the people.                                                              is valid. The right  to bitch is one
      Only  uncensored  communications                                                                sacred  cow  that  needs  to  be  con-
      inform the voters of such scandals                                                              ~erted into hamburger.  It is a  wolf
      as  "Tea-Pot  Dome"  and  "The                                                                  rn  a  sheepskin  that  threatens  to
      Pentagon  Papers''.  He  who  gains                                                             do  damage  to  the  true  spirit  and
      control  of  the  press,  gains  con-                                                           purpose  of critical thinking.
      trol  of  the  country.                                                                            The  main  thing  wrong  with  the
        Others,  interested  only  in  their                                                          current bellyaching is that  it offers
      own   self-preservation,   attack                                                                a  few  workable  alternatives  to
      journalists  for  being  biased  and                                                            wh~tever is being grumbled about.
                                        Judy  K!ng  h~s  the  best  deal  on  campus.  She's  the  only  coed  en-
      unrepresentative  of  the  p~ople.                                                              It 1s  easy to  thunder  against  gov-
     This  point  strikes  particularly   rolled  In  w~at  started  out  as  an  all-men's  weight-lifting  class.   ernment,  society,  or  the  educa-
    ~  close  to  home  because  some  stu-  Muscle men  1n  background  (left to right) are Tim Davies,  Bi II Bern-  tional  system,  and  to  proclaim
                                        hardt  and  Dwight  Carr.
      dents  have  accused  The  Canuon                                                               them unfit for human consumption.
      Call  of  this  discrepancy.  Thl'Y                                                             But providing a  viable replacement
      claim this  press is biased  in fa n>r   PRETTY  JUDY  KING  KEEPS                              is  another  matter.
      of liberals.                                                                                       An  indirect  but  perhaps  more
        However,  rather  than  write  n ·-  MUSCLE-MEN  IN  A LATHER                                 ?anger?us  result  of  the  beefing
      buttals  to  articles  they  find  an-                                                          1s the  influence  which  it  has  on  a
      tagonizing,  these  pPoplP  cringl'                  By  Kevin  Dooley                          personal  level.  For  example,  the
      in  the  background,  subsidizing                               at ion ist,  11   I  queried  apprehen -  cry  has been increasing in volume
      their complaints  with  meaninglPss   Wolves,  watch  it!       sively.                         for  new  belief  systems  and  new
                                         Chauvinists,  cool  it!
      excuses.  Their  dilemma  and  thdr   Attention  all  working  winkers   "Somewhat.  .  .American  so-  values.  The  old  ones  aren't  good
      accusations  are  products  of  thPir   hip hustlers and  girl watchers.  B;   ciety  places  little  value  on  the   enough.
      own  apathy.   .                                                female  body,  11   countered  Judy.   One  way  to  reduce  the  outcry
                                      on  the  lookout  for  a  coed  cutie
        This  paper  is  the  voice  of  the                             "Oh ?  11   I challenged. "What am   w o u 1 d  be  to  make .the 1 o udest
      students--all  the  students--and   named  Judy  King.  But be  careful.   I  bid  for  Raquel Welch ?  11   gripers  pay  for  the  privilege.  The
                                      She's a  good-looking brunette. But
      as  such,  it  prints  all stories  sub-  she's  also  the  only  girl  en rolled   Judy  recalls  how  ''shaky•' the   public  campuses  are  filled  with
      mitt·cd by members of this campus.   in an all-men's weight-lifting class   instructor  seemed  to  be  the  first   di;;senters  who  are  supported  by
      The  only  criteria  are  rationality   at  coc.                day  she  showed  up  in  class,  and   public  funds  or  scholarships  or
      and  good; taste.                  "What's  a  nice  girl  like  you   how  he  dropped  little  hints  about   by  dear  old ,?ad.  Maybe,  if  they
        The  fact  that  this  paper  fre-  doing  in  a  weight-lifting  class?  11   dropping  out.  But,  as  we  said.,   had  to  wor.k.!  their way  through
      quently  reflects  a  liberal  view   I  inquired  carefully.   women  are  stronger  than  men  in   school,  tneu  howling  would  sub-
      does  not  necessarily  denote  a   "It makes me  feel good," said   many  ways,  and  Judy,  undaunted,   side.
                                                                                                         But,  perhaps  the  best  cure  for
      bias.  It  may,  on  the  other  hand,   Judy.  "A f e w  1 a p s  a r o u n d the   continued to  flex  her  deltoids   this  academic  indigestion  is  once
      show  that  only  liberals  p()ssess   track and  a  work-out on the weight   p ext or a 1 is  majors,  and  gluteu~
                                                                                                      again  to  adopt  some  established
      ~he  talent  to  write  rationally  and   machine  does  it."   maxim uses.                     values  which  will serve as  guide-
      rn  good  taste.  The  skills  of  con-  And  Judy  does  feel  good.  She   The  class,  with  a  man-women   lines for  men's character and  con-
      serv_ative  journalists  have  yet  to   smiles  a  lot.        ratio of about 20 ·to  1 has changed
      mamfest  themselves  on  this  cam-                             since she's been there, says Judy.   duct.
                                         '' I  want  mus c 1 e  tone,  not
      pus.                            muscle  build-up,''  she  explained.   "They'rP  more  cautious  with   T_he  seltzers  of  self-help  may
        Objectiveness  of this  paper,  or                    11      their  language  when  I'm  around   provide  temporary  re lief,  but  a  re-
      any  paper,  can  only  be  achieved   "I don't  like  a  flabby  body.   they  open  doors  for  me,  and  the~   turn to some dusty but much-needed
      by  publishing  divergent  views.  If   Men ••. it  isn't.                                      ideals  will  prove  to  be  the  best
      apathy  is  our  only  response,  then   ''In the  case  of  a  woman  it's   don't  tease  me  as  much  as  thP~   medicine  for  the  chronic  com-
      it shall surely be  reflected in this   not  how  much  you  lift  but  how   did  at  first,"  sh£>  said.   plaints  on  today's  campus.
                                                                         The  "distraction  factor"  also
      paper. The press is only as strong   often,"  she  said.        has  diminished  from  what  it  was
                                         Miss  King  insists  that  women
      as  the  motivations  of  those  who
      support it.                     are  stronger  than  men  in  many   initially.      ·
        Furthermore,  apathetic -re-                                     "When  thP  class  started  this   THE CANYON CALL
      sponse  reflected  in  a  press  will   I  hastily  agreed .•   fall I  got  sPcond  looks  from  class-  PUBLISHED  TWICE  MONTHLY
      result in the  crumbling  of its free-  "Are  you  a  women's  liber-  matPs and  from peoplP who dropped   BY  JOURNALISM  STUDENTS
      doms.  A  deterioration  of  these                              in  and  saw  20  angular  and  mus-  AT  COLLEGE  OF  THE  CAN-
      freedoms  will  require  government                             cular  bodies  and  om•  round  soft   YONS.  EDITORIAL  OPINIONS
                                                                                                         EXPRESSED  IN THIS PUBLICA-
      intervention  and  eventually  im-  Registration  for  the  1972   one."                           TION ARE THOSE OF THE WRI-
      peril  the  liberties  of  the  people.   winter  quarter  starts  today,   Is  Judy  ewr distracted?   TER  AND  NOT  NECESSARILY
         American  democracy  does  in-  Monday,  Nov. 29,  and  ends  Fri-  She  told  me,  off  the  record   THOSE OF THE COLLEGE.
      deed  excel Russian  democracy  in   day,  Dec.  10.  Students  may   which  means  I  can't  tell you.   '   EDITORIAL STAFF
      the policies of its press. Although   register  according  to  priority   But  Miss  King  urges  other   David Hoeltje, Editor
      papers  in  both  countries  are  jour-  ~f  ide_ntifi~ation  numbers.  Reg-  coeds  to  sign  up  for  the  weight-
      nalistic institutions, only  in Amer-  IstratIon  information  is  avail-  lifting  class.         Suzanne Muhl   Kenneth Nix
                                                                                                         William leach
                                                                                                                      James Beydler
      ica is  the  press  a  democratic  in-  able  in  the  Admissions  and   "It  helps  tone  your  muscles,   Reid Worthington  Scott Peterson
      stitution  as  well.             R e c or d s   O ff i c e   in  the   m a k e s  y o u  f e e 1 g o o d,  and  it   Richard Hunter   Don Chambers
                                                                       changes  'men'  to  'gentlemen',"
                        Bill  Leach    S-Building.                    she  said.  "And,  besides,  20  men   Gregory Knights   Robert Stevens
                                                                                                                      Ron Boydston
                                                                                                         Kevin  Dooley
                                         Students  delaying  registra-  is just too  many  for  one  girl."
                                       tion  beyond  the  time  scheduled   Hang  in  there,  Judy  Doll.    PHOTOGRAPHERS
                                       for  their  identification  number                                Tom Burlew   Bruce McKinney
         All  students  who  intend  to                                  Somewhere  on  this  pulsating   Paul Osterhues   Paul Plamondon
      transfer to a  state college in the   lose  their  priority  in  obtaining   c am p u s of  ours mu s t  be  another
      fall_  of  1972  must  turn  in  appli-  classes.                brave  (and crafty) girl or  two  will-  TONY REMENIH, ADVISOR
      cations  before  Tues.,  Nov.  30.                               ing to  share  your  ''agony.  11
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