Page 13 - coccanyoncall_fy19711972
P. 13
Vol. II, No. 4 COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS Nov. 29, 1971
Queen Vicki 1st Reigns
At 1st COC Homecoming
By David Hoeltje
College of the Canyons' first formance titled Music 10 4 Devel-
annual HomPcoming could only be opment of Jazz Code number 60280.
tcrmect a roaring success as Vicki The pep squads ranks were
Sine lair was crowned Homecoming also bolstered by returning alumni
Quf'f'n and the mighty Cougar foot- and all obviously had an enjoy-
ball squad handed a humiliating able evening.
49-0 defeat to the College of the The first half of the football
Desert Roadrunners. game, which saw COC go into the
During halftime cerPmonies· locker room with a 35-0 lead, was
which saw the debut of COC's highlighted by the passing of
newly formed marching band, ASB Quarterback Red Stevens and the
Prt•sident DonA llen introduced the running of Gary Hamilton and Don
three qm'('n candidates. Donna Phillips.
Cooksey, Holly Peterson and In his most productive game
Vicki Sinclair.
as a Cougar, Phillips ran for 155
The quPPn candidates and their
yards in 13 carries and three touch-
l'scorts, Mark MPade, John Rex- downs.
winkle and Bill Jeffers were Stevens passed for 195 yards
clri ven to the COC 50 yard line in
and was instrumental in the victory
1972 Ford Thunderbirds provided as he completed 14 out of 22, two
by Canyon Ford and there the for touchdowns.
closely guarded result of the elec- COC's other outstanding quar-
tion between the three was an- terback, Geoff Brown completed
nounced by Allen. 3-8 for 55 yards and one touch-
The Queen and Princesses each
received a bouquet of roses during down and center Mike Underwood
had a fantastic game as the man
the ceremony which also included in the middle of all the action.
the presentation of two $10 0
The win, of course, makes the
scholarships to Canyon and Hart Cougars Desert Conterence cham-
high schools. pions but more importantly, it gives
The two scholarships derived
them a berth in the state semi-
from money that would under nor- final play-offs.
mal circumstances be used for
floats. This commendable act was
dent Council to put the money to R&E GROUP
a result of a decision ·by the Stu-
. better use as financial aid to
a brown-eyed SCORES HIT
soon-to-be college students.
Queen Vicki,
Queen Vicki the First! College of the Canyons' first Homecoming brunette,· was crowned by Laura
Queen was crowned at half-time of the College of the Desert foot- Lyman, Home coming committee By Suzanne Muhl
ball game. She is beautiful Vicki Sinclair. chairman, and was given a life- RATTLESNAKES AND EGGS!
time pass to all Cougar home This fine group made College
sports activities. of the Canyons' first homecoming
be turned into a district warehouse Princesses Donna and Holly dance more than just a dance. The
BOARD OKAYS and maintenance center. memento of the occasion, and they f i v e m e m b e r s--Tim, T o m m y,
were each given an engraved
The board also recently award-
Keith, Peter and Marty- -produced
CAMPUS PLANS ed a contract for construction of with Miss Sinclair later reigned at an experience that made us quick-
Phase 2 site development to the
the Homecoming Dance held in
Strecker Construction Co., whose the Hart High cafeteria. . ly forget any concepts we might
The Board of Trustees has bid of $1,044,000 was lowest of A highlight of the evening was have had about a band with such
authorized development of plans eight received. Development will an outstanding combo with the un- a funny name.
for an on-campus auto shop pro- begin immediately. likely name of Rattlesnakes and It is obvious that they are out-
ject to replace current facilities Eggs, who provided the entertain- standingly talented musicians.
Work includes extension of the Their show, nevertheless, is main-
on Pine street in Newhall. west road; extension of the east ment for the dance. The group was
The proposed auto shop build.,. road to the site of the first per- a c q u ·1 r e ct t h r o u g h e ff o r t s of ly visual. They establish rapport
ing, containing 5,700 square feet, manent buildings; installation of Suzanne Muhl, Homecoming com- with the audience by living their
will be erected along the west utility walkways and drainage mittee member. music on stage, turning each set
road south of the baseball field. systems for the first permanent The combo, whose repertoire into a vaudeville-ish theater piece
Plans call for completion·. of the buildings, and installation of util- ranged from big-band dance num- They talk to the audience, joke
installation by the fall quarter, ities for the auto sho p facility. bers to modern rock, is critiqued with them, and then knock them off
1972. In addition, field areas for phy- elsewhere in this issue by Miss their feet with music to suit any-
An additional 1,200 square feet sical education activities will be Muhl. body's taste. Able to play just
at the proposed facility will be trebled. The COC marching band, under about any kind of music nameable,
used as a district warehouse for In addition, the board authorized the direction of Music Instructor they showed us only a small por-
vehicles and supplies. sale of $500,000 in district bonds Robert Downs, put on a splendid tion of what they can do.
Ultimately, when the auto shop to provide the district's share of half-time show, The 25 piece band Rattlesnakes and Eggs (R&E)
has: been together only one year.
becomes part of the permanent funding for the current and up-com- was augmented by alumni re- But the group has a history which
technology building , the temp- turning for the occasion and the
orary on-campus auto facility will (Cont 'd. on page 4) group held its own during the per- (Cont'd. on page 4)