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        Vol.  V,  No.  4                                  COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS                                     November 15,  197 4


                                                                                                           Gap  Indicated

                                                                                                              By Michael Shannon and
                                                                                                                    Blair Sisco
                                                                                                              The  opinion  poll  staff  this
                                                                                                           week  asked  COC  students  to
                                                                                                           react  to  our  Student  Senate.
                                                                                                           The feedback from those inter-
                                                                                                           viewed  indicates  a  wide  com-
                                                                                                           munications'  gap  between  the
                                                                                                           senate and the students.
                                                                                                           QUESTION: Do you think the
                                                                                                           Student  Senate  is  doing  an
                                                                                                           effective  job  in  responding  to
                                                                                                           student problems?
                                                                                                              Michelle  Feeley:  "I  don't
                                                                                                           know enough about it.;'
                                                                                                             Terri Bronson: "Yes, I think
                                                                                                           we're getting the job done, but
                                                                                                           it  would  be  much  easier  if
                                                                                                           students cooperated."
                                                                                                              Coralee  Cordova:  "Yes,
                                                                                                           we're getting the work done."
                                                                                                              Frank  Grant:  "What's  the
                                                                                                           Student Senate?"
                                                                                                              Jerry Loftis: "Who's who in
                                                                                                           the student senate?"
                                                                                                              Donald  Alexander:  "I  don't
                                                                                                           know  anything  about  the
                                                                                                           Student  Senate  and  don't
        One of these campus beauties will be crowned Homecoming Queen tomorrow (Saturday) night during        David  Reddy:  "The  only
        halftime festivities. Candidates (from left) are Karen Berson, Laurie Lowder, Sue Yale:, Lauri Haynes,   thing  they're  not  doing  ef-
        and Carol Schecter. The queen and her court will reign at a Homecoming dance after the football game.   fectively is letting people know
                                                                                                           what they're doing."
                                                                                                              Tommy  Campbell:  "I  can't
          Five  COC  Beauties Vie                                              Remember  when  flap-       say.  I  haven't  seen  anything
                                                                               NOSTALGIA DAY
                                                                            pers,  raccoon  coats,  "23    they've done yet."
                                                                                                              Karen  Bolstad:  "I  didn't
         For  Homecoming Crown                                              skidoo",  model  T's,  the     know  we  had  a  Student
                                                                            Charlston,  machine  guns,
                                                                            Glenn  Miller,  "V  for  Vic-  Senate."
                               By John Wright                                                                 Roger    Hummel:     "No.
                                                                            tory",  jitter  bugs,  the
           Homecoming  is  something     committee,  many  events  are      malt shop, leather jackets,    They're not responding to the
        special this year.  For the first   planned  for  the  halftime     bobby socks, Chevies, and      students as they should be."
        time in College of the Canyons'   festivities.  Foremost  will  be   Elvis  were  the  thing?         Brad Zook;  "I haven't been
        short  history,  Homecoming      the  arrival  of  the  five  Queen   Reminisce  the  "good  old   affected by them."
        will  be  held  here  on  our    nominees,  each  riding  in  an    days"  when  COC  has  its        Robert  Berson:  "Yes,  I
        campus.                          antique  car.  This  motorized     dress-up  day  on  Friday,     think  they're  trying  to  meet
           A  Homecoming  is  nothing    extravaganza  will  be  followed   Nov.  15.  Join  the  Home-    problems  as  they  see  them,
        without  a  queen.  This  year   by  a  melodrama  featuring  a     coming  celebration  and       and  trying  to  improve  the
        there are five candidates vying   motorized chase  between cops     "Let  the  Good  Times         college."
        for  the  chance  to  occupy  the   and  robbers.                   Roll."                            Even  though  this  is  not
        throne.                             In  another  act,  "Elvis                                      probably the most exciting and
           The  nominees  are  Carol     Presley"  will  gyrate,  wiggle   be  to  present  a  $100  scholar-  controversial column you have
        Schecter,  Laurie  Lowder,       and shout.                       ship  to  Hart High  School  and   ever  read,  it is  evidence  of  a
        Karen  Berson,  Lauri  Haynes       The  candidates  for  Home-   Canyon  High  School.  Steve ·   predicament  experienced  by
        and Sue Yale. One of these will   coming  Queeri,  accompanied    Boggess,  Senior  class  presi-  most  community  colleges.
        be  crowned  Homecoming          by  their  escorts,  will  prom-  dent,  Canyon  High,  and  Don   Students  are  not  involved  in
        Queen.                           enade across the center of the   Cunard, Senior class president,   campus government, and many
           Homecoming 197 4,  the first   field  from  east  to  west.  One   Hart  High,  will  accept  the   don't care to be.  On  the other
        in  Cougar  Stadium,  probably   then will be crowned. Rosanne     grants.                         hand,  the  Student  Senate  is
        will be the most spectacular to   Nocciolo, last year's queen, will   Fireworks  over  the  east   run  by  a  handful  of  involved
        date.  Under  Chairperson  Sue   perform  the  coronation.  The        (Cont'd  On  Page  2)             (Cont'd on Page 3)
        Franck  and  the  Homecoming     first duty of the new queen will
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