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       Vol.  V,  No.  5                                 COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS                                         December 4,  1974

                                                                                                           Senate Talks

                                                                                                           Tot  Day-Care

                                                                                                                   By Rick Larue
                                                                                                            The  child  day-care  center  was
                                                                                                          discussed  recently  in  a  Student
                                                                                                          Senate  meeting.  Terri  Bronson,
                                                                                                          Sophomore  class  president,  and
                                                                                                          Counselor  Joan  Jacobson  will  be
                                                                                                          gathering  information  from  the
                                                                                                          Moorpark  and  Santa  Ana  com-
                                                                                                          munity colleges where the day-care
                                                                                                          program is already in  operation.
                                                                                                            They  will  also  meet  with  Robert
                                                                                                          Pollock, dean of vocational-technical
                                                                                                          education, to discuss a survey to be
                                                                                                          distributed  in  the  community.  The
                                                                                                          purpose  is  to  learn  the  wants  and
                                                                                                          needs of the school and community.
                                                                                                            Hunter  DeMarais,  day  senator,
                                                                                                          reported  that  former  senates  have
                                                                                                          sponsored  Christmas  parties  for
                                                                                                          underpriviledged  children  in  the
                                                                                                          community.  DeMarais  asked  the
                                                                                                          senate and the Political Science 111
                                                                                                          class  for  help  ln  planning  and
                                                                                                          execution  of  the  party.  Students
                                                                                                          wishing  to  participate should  con-
                                                                                                          tact DeMarais  in  the  Student  Act-
                                                                                                          ivities office on the lower campus.
                                                                                                            A  recent  poll  conducted  by  the
      Moment of truth comes to Lauri Haynes ( third from left)  when she hears her named called as Homecoming Queen for   Student Senate showed  a  need  and
      197 4.  Four other candidates  for  the  title  - Karen  Berson,  Sue  Yale,  Laurie  Lowder  and  Carol  Schecter  -  were   desire  for  a  winter  formal.  Ms.
      princesses of the queen's court. In photo (from left) are Karen Berson and her escort,  Peter Berson;  Ms.  Haynes and   Bronson moved that the senate plan
      escort Rich Nipert; Rosanne  Nocciolo,  last year's queen;  Sue Franck, Homecoming committee chairperson,  and John   a formal for January and the motion
      Oddone, ASB president.                                                                              passed  unanimously.  Ms.  Bronson
                                                                                                          was appointed to head the project.
                                                                             College of the Canyons' Fall   A special Student Senate meeting
          Lauri Haynes Crowned                                             Sports Award banquet honor-    called  by  ASB  President  John
                                                                           ing  members  of  the  football
                                                                           and  cross  country  teams  will   Oddone  was  held  Nov.  19.  Oddone
                                                                                                          felt  there  was  a  need  to  work  out
                                                                           be  held  at  the  Ranch  House   problems  between  the  senate  and
       COC  Homecoming Queen                                               Inn starting at 7 p.m., Thurs-  the The Canyon Call.  Special invita-
                                                                           day  (Dec.  5).  Tickets  are
                                                                                                          tions  were  given  to  Michael  Shan-
                                                                           available  for  $6.  Awards  will
                                       times" began to roll.  COC's football                              non,  AMS  vice  president  and  fea-
             By Michael Shannon                                            include  those  for  "Most
                                       Cougars  defeated  the  Moorpark    Valuable:•,  "Most  Inspira-   ture  editor  of  the  student  news-
         Homecoming 1974 had everything   Raiders  by  a  score  a  23-20  in  a   tional",  "Most  Improved"   paper,  and  Blair  Sisco,  staff  mem-
       -  a  Nostalgia  Dress-up  Day,  a   cliff-hanger  that  wasn't  decided   players  and  for  football  also   ber.  Chuck  Connell,  assignment
       winning  football  team,  an  exciting   until Mark Reed kicked a  field  goal   "Outstanding  Lineman"  (of-  editor,  was  also  among  many  in-
       halftime show,  and a dance.    in  the final  10  seconds of the game.   fense and defense), and "Most   terested  students  in  attendance.
         The affair  was  largely the  result   Chuck  Lyon  contributed  to  the   Outstanding  Back"  (offense   Carol  Chambers,  both  as  ASB
       of  hard  work  by  Sue  Franck,   Cougar effort with two touchdowns,   and  defense).  Team  captains   treasurer and editor of The  Canyon
       Student  Senate  night  senator.  Ms.   and Al  Staie with one.     will  also  be  cited,  with  life   Call  also was  present.  ·
       Franck,  a  former  Homecoming    At  halftime,  Laurie  Haynes,  a   passes  to  COC  athletic  con-  Oddone,  referring to the Nov.  15
       Queen  herself,  produced  an  event   graduate of  Monroe  High  School  in   / tests  going  to  Sophomores   edition  of  The  Canyon  Call,  ex-
       which  was  one  of  the  most  spec-  the  San  Fernando  Valley,  was   and certificates and letters to   pressed  concern  over  opinions  ex-
       tacular in  CO C's  five  year  history,   crowned COC's fourth  Homecoming   players.             pressed  by  Shannon  about  the
       and  certainly  the  most  gala  home-  Queen. Ms. Haynes was crowned by                           senate.  Shannon  wrote  that  "The
       coming this school  has seen.   Rosanne Nocciolo, last year's queen.                               Student Senate is  run  by  a  handful
         Friday,  Nov.  15,  was  Nostalgia   Each of the five queen candidates   This  year's  Bonelli  Homecoming   of  involved  students  who  are  too
       Dress-Up  Day.  Students  came  to   arrived on  the field  in  antique cars   scholarships were accepted for Hart   caught up in ego trips to be in direct
       school  reminiscing over  "The  Good   provided  by  ' the  Santa  Clarita   and Canyon  High  Schools  by  Steve   communication with the majority of
       Old  Days",  dressed  in  everything   Antique  Car  club.  Karen  Berson,   Boggess,  Senior  class  president   the student body .. ,
       from  bobby  socks  and  leather  jac-  Sue Yale, Laurie Lauder,  and Carol   from  Canyon  and  Robin  Swindell,   After  discussing  the  topic  at
       kets to pinstripe suits and spats.   Schecter  reigned  as  Homecoming   Senior class treasurer from  Hart.   length,  the  real  problem  was  ex-
        On  Saturday  night  the  "good   princesses.                          (Cont'd  on  Page 6)              ( Cont'd on  page 3)
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