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            OPINION                l                                                                         Film Review  I

                                                                                                               By Deborah Morrow
              By David Reddy
          In  a  previous  Opinion                                                                           My apologies to those of you
       column  I  discussed  the  effec-                                                                  about to read  this lambaste of
       tive disenfranchisement of the                                                                     the film,  "The Phantom of the
       American  people  by  economic                                                                     Paradise",  if  you've  already
       and  political  factions.  A  dis-                                                                 suffered the  ordeal  of  viewing
       cussion  of  the  existant  power                                                                  it.
       structure  in  this  country  is,                                                                     "Phantom",  starring  pop
       however, incomplete without a                                                                      song  writer  Paul  Williams,
       discussion of alternatives.                                                                        barely qualifies for a "B" movie
          In  short ,  the  body  politic                                                                 rating.
       must begin to explore methods                                                                         The movie parodies the rock
       of  reinstating  a  democracy  in                                                                  and  roll  industry  by  updating
       which  we  may  take  effective                                                                    "The  Phantom  of  the  Opera",
       action regarding issues  affect-                                                                   with  overtones  of  Faustian
       ing even our very survival.      Students of French 204 this week surprised Dr. Elfie Hummel with   bargaining  with  the  devil.
          Education  is  the  key  to   a cake in  the shape of an  American flag after she  had  passed oral   Any  attempt  to  satire  the
       making the necessary changes.    examinations  to  become  an  American  citizen.  She'll  be  sworn  in   glitter  rock  scene  is  an  easy
       It liberates  because  it  creates   next January.  Students include  Barbara Baxter,  Andi  Light,  Sue   enough task, since it is a satire
       an awareness of a greater field   London, Laszlo Farkas, DeAun Viole, William Searby, Nijole Kent,   in itself. Unfortunately, "Phan-
       of choice. Education creates an   and  Frederika  Suver'kropp.                                     tom"  takes  a  potentially  rich
       awareness of alternatives lying                                                                    comedy plot and avoids all but
       beyond  the  scope  of  our                                                                        the most sophomoric efforts to
       current  social  organization.   rapidly  diminishing.  Our  oil      POLL:  SENATE                lampoon  it.
       These are the alternatives that   supply  will  last  another  40                                     The  main  setting  is  the
       must be explored.                years at most. This is startling.   (Cont'd  From  Page  1)       Paradise  Concert  Hall,  a  pur-
          Media  is  extremely  im-     Our  social  system  is  entirely   students who are too caught up   gatory  for  terminal  teeny-
       portant  to  the  educational    dependent  upon  petroleum.      in  ego  trips  to  be  in  direct   boppers.  The  movie,  including
       process in that they determine   Our society is  an oil  junky.   communication     with    the    most of  the  cast,  seems  to  be
       the  nature  and  content  of       We  face  total  social  up-  majority of the student body.    trapped  midway  through  an
       information. Media defines our   heaval  precipitated  by  econo-    As  expressed  in  an  earlier   awkward  adolescence  with  no
       awareness of our environment,    mic collapse unless we begin to   Opinion  column,  a college  is  a   hope  of  a  graceful  maturity.
       providing the limits and extent   explore  and  develop  al-      microcosm  of  our  entire
       of that awareness.               ternative energy sources on  a   society.  Just  as  in  national    The  hero  is  a  hawky  aca-
          The    most    influential    large  scale.  We  must  com-    government, a few  are making    demic artist whose ambition is
       medium in  America today, the    pletely replace petroleum as  a   decisions  concerning  the  vast   to  write  a  rock  version  of
       one  responsible  for  providing   source  of  energy.  This  is  a   majority. There are dangerous   "Faust".  His  music  is  confis-
       the most limiting awareness of   massive job.                     possibilities in  this situation.   cated  by  Swan  (Williams),  an
       matters that concern  us  all,  is   Very  little is  being done  in   An   effective   student    evil rock promoter who has all
       television.  Television  has     this  direction  by  our  govern-  government  at  COC  requires   the demoniac  clout of  a  senile
       superceded  the  printed  media   ment.  Remember  that  our      student participation and feed-  munchkin.
       as  the  prime  purveyor  of     government  is  controlled  by   back.  The  Student  Senate         Swan  attempts  to  destroy
       information to the public.       economic  factions.  Such  an    should be doing more to inspire   the  hero  but only  succeeds  in
          This preeminent position  of   energy translation is not in the   students to become involved in   deforming him by pushing him
       television  in  our  society  is  a   interests of these factions.   campus activities.            into  a  record  press.
       sad  fact  in  light  of  TV's      It  is,  therefore,  up  to  the   The  existing  communica-      It's  bad  enough  that  he
       economic  nature.  The  same     public to take action  - action   tions'  gap  must be  broken  for   must  now  crawl  around  Para-
       economic interests that control   which  is  almost  impossible  in   the  student  government  to   dise in the guise of a Japanese
       the  government  control  the    view  of  the  small  amount  of   become effective at COC.       beetle  in  search  of  revenge.
       airwaves.                        power  in  the  hands  of  the                                    Even  worse,  however,  is  that
          These factions  thus  control   people. In any case, this action   WATERGATE                    he  is  still  able  to  write
       most of  the  information  avail-  must  be  preceded  by  an                                      incredibly  innocuous  music
       able  to  the  public.  Any      awareness of the situation.          (Cont'd  From  Page  2)      which  the  audience  suffers
       information  that  jeopardizes      Television,  by  its  very    ment. But reforms may curtail    through  until  the  END.
       their position of power is  thus   nature,  is  doing  nothing  to   the undue influence of money."   Predictably  enough,  the
       subject  to  implied  censorship.   create such an awareness.        "Watergate,"  says  Dr.  Col-  musical boy wonder suffers his
       Television seldom analyzes the      Each  individual,  therefore,   lier,"  is  used  as  a  term  that   ordeals  for  a  girl,  giddily
       basic  structure of our  society.   must  take  it  upon  himself  to   covers the misuse of power by   played by Jessica Harper. The
       It  is  information  of  precisely   obtain  this  awareness.  We   the  Nixon  administration  in   role requires metamorphosis of
       this  nature  with  which  we    must  become  knowledgeable      everything  from  campaign       a Sunday school choir girl into
       must be concerned.               regarding  the  twin  horns  of   "dirty  tricks"  to  the  estab-  a  cocaine  sniffer  in  the  back-
          Television  has  replaced     our  dilemma,  the  political  and   lisment of an espionage unit in   seat  of  Swan's  limousine.
       religion  as  the  opiate  of  the   the  ecological.  And  we  must   the White House.               Williams  is  a  talented  pop
       people.                          take  action  through  reactiva-    "If  these  methods  were     song writer,  but his  skills  are
          A  glaring  example  of  this   tion of the democratic  process   used  by  a  party  with  a   wasted in this film.  "Phantom"
       condition  is  illuminated  by   based upon that information.     majority  in  Congress,  the  two   contains  one  complete song  of
       the  treatment  of  the  energy     We must take charge of our    party  system  might  be  en-    questionable  quality  that  is
       crisis  on  television.  Major  oil   educations  so  that we  become   dangered. It is  ironic  that  the   repeated ad nauseum. This is a
       companies  are  running  ex-     fully  aware  of  our  condition   party  Mr.  Nixon  damaged     movie  in  which  pajamas  are
       tensive ad campaigns extolling   and our possibilities.  We  must   most was  his own,"  he said.   worn  in  love  scenes  and  .in
       their  efforts  in  the  field  of   transcend  the  limits  imposed   In  an  attempt  to  place   which  four-letter  words  are
       energy production.               by television  and  begin  to  use   Watergate  in  proper  perspec-  puritanically  slurred  for  the
          Standard  Oil  is  extracting   media as a tool to promote our   tive  in  today's  world  and  in   protection  of  PG  audiences.
       oil  from  tarsand.  Shell  is   educations. We must avert the    history ,  Dr.  Collier  said,
       drilling deeper than Mt. Shasta   bureaucratic  momentum  that    "Watergate  will  be  a  symbol     Profit is  obviously  the only
       is high. The American public is   is  taking us  to destruction.   for  misuse  of  governmental   motive  for  this  film.  If  you
       led  to  believe  that  these       Man  is  reputed  to  be      power. Unless we deal with the   must  spend  your  money  and
       corporations have the situation   rational. Each of  us  must  take   underlying  conditions  that   time, don't waste  it on  "Phan-
       well in hand. The facts indicate   the  initiative  to  interject   permitted  this  misuse  of    tom  of  the  Paradise".
       quite ·the opposite.             rationality  into  our  social   power,  incidents  of  a  similar   There  are  better  ways  to
         Petroleum  resources  are      design.                          nature can  occur again."        spend an evening in West wood.
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