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        Harriers  Bid

     For  State  Meet                                                                                           Column

        Cougar harriers, with a 42-7
     overall  record,  travel  to  Mt.                                                                       FINANCIAL AIDS
     San Antonio  College  Saturday                                                                          Special  help  is  avail-
     (Nov.  16)  to  complete  in  the                                                                     able for  financially  needy
     Southern California Junior Col-                                                                       students  who  show  high
     lege Cross Country Champion-                                                                          potential  and  who  are
     ships.                                                                                                ready  to  transfer  to
     ·  At  stake  is  a  chance  to                                                                       UCLA  next  fall.  Check
     compete in the state meet to be                                                                       the  Financial  Aid  office
     held  at  Mt.  San  Antonio  the                                                                      for  details.  Deadline  is
     following  Saturday  (Nov.  23).                                                                      Nov.  30.
     Cougars,  who  have  never                                                                              California     state
     qualified  for  the  state  meet,                                                                     scholarship  applications
     must finish among the top five                                                                        are available in the Finan-
     Southern  California  teams  to                                                                       cial  Aid  office.  The  SAT
     make  it  this  year.                                                                                 test  is  required.  If  you
        During  the  regular  season,                                                                      have not taken it,  pick up
     the Cougars, coached by Monty                                                                         an  application  in  the
     Cartwright,  finished  in  a  3rd                                                                     Counseling  office.  Dead-
     place tie (with Hancock)  in  the                                                                     line  is  Nov.  22.
     Western  State  Conference                                                                              Applications  for  the
     with  a  mark  of  six  wins  and                                                                     Occupational  Education
     two  losses.                                                                                          and  Training  grant  and
        The  conference  title  was                                                                        the  Newhall  Land  and
     won  by  Moorpark,  with  Glen-                                                                       Farm Scholarship also are
     dale  second.                                                                                         available  in  the Financial
        Running for  COC  on  Satur-                                                                       Aid  office.  Deadline  for
     day  will  be  Richard  Burns,                                                                        the  former  is  Feb.  28,
     Tom  Cusick,  Enoc  Martinez,                                                                         1975,  and Nov.  29  for  the
     Jeff Tracey, Gary Grubbs, Dan                                                                         latter.
     Rodriquez,  Gary  Durner,  and   Richard Burns, COC's top cross-country runner, warms up for  the       University  of  Cal-
      Tom  Johnston.                  California  Junior  College  Championships  at  Mt.  San  Antonio    ifornia  transfers  in  the
        In  a  recent  rating  by  the   College  Saturday  (Nov.  16).                                    fall,  1975,  who  will  be
      Junior  College  Athletic  Bu-                                                                       applying for  financial  aid
     reau, the Cougar harriers were                                                                        must  apply  for  the  Cal-
      in  fourth  place  among  small                                                                      ifornia  state  scholarship.
      schools and 17th among all JCs
      in  the  state.                                                                                        JOB PLACEMENT
                                                                                                             Students interested in
                                                                                                           part-time  employment
         Turkey· Trot                                                                                      over  the  Christmas  sea-
                                                                                                           son are asked  to register
    Set  For  Tuesday                                                                                      now in the Job Placement
                                                                                                           office.  A  job  list  is  also
        College  of  the  Canyons'                                                                           ,A  Women's  Employ-
     annual  Turkey  Trot  will  be                                                                        ment  Opportunities  con-
     held  Tuesday,  Nov.  26  for                                                                         ference will  be held from
     faculty,  students  and  alumni.                                                                      9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday
        The trot will be a  1. 75  mile                                                                    (Nov.  16)  at  the  Holly-
     run  on  the  cross  country                                                                          wood  Paladium.  The
     course.                                                                                               meeting  is  sponsored  by
        Prizes  will  be  a warded  for                                                                    the  Career  Planning
     the  first  three  places  in  each                                                                   Center  in  Los  Angeles.
     category.  The  categories  are:                                                                      Interested  students
     men  and  women  age  30  and                                                                         should contact Dr. Robert
      over;  men  and  women  age  29                                                                      Gilmore in the Job Place-
      and  under,  and  COC  athletes.                                                                     ment  office.
      The turkeys will be donated by
      Huntzinger  Farms.                                                                                       COUNSELING
        The  meet  will  start on  the                                                                       Winter  schedules  are
      practice  football  field  east  of                                                                  available  and  students
      Cougar  Stadium.                                                                                     who   need   counselors'
                                                                                                           appointments  should
                                                                                                           make  them  immediately.
        Sgt.  LaVerne  Beckmann  of                                                                        Other  students  should
      the   Los   Angeles   County    Steve  Joyce,  Cougars'  ace  pass  receiver,  snares  one.  Steve  has   take advantage of counter
      She~iffs department will speak   caught 33 passes for 562 yards and 4 touchdowns so far this season.   counseling for  quick,  non-
      on campus, Thursday, Nov. 21,   He's  ranked  among  the  top  10  JC  receivers  in  the  state.    problem course approval.
      on  the  topic  of  "Rape  and
        Sponsored  by  S.H.E.,  the              OPINION                lack  of  integrity  and  voter   Whether or not the reactionary
      program will be held at noon in     (Cont'd  From  Page  2)       apathy  alarms  me  greatly     measures  taken  by  voters  in
      Room  10,  Bonelli  Center.                                       when  I  see  a  man  like  Nixon   last  week's  election  are
        Sgt.  Beckmann  will  discuss   of  a  disenchanted  society  in   gain so much power so quickly.   healthy,  remains  to  be  seen.
     rape  prevention  and  investi-  Germany  which  had  many        I  am  equally  disturbed  when   An  interesting  possibility
     gation,:· and  give  tips  on  self-  characteristics  of  ours  today.   one party is  in  virtual control,   arises. If the Democrats prove
     defense.                         The  frightening  realization  is   as the Democrats are now.     to  be  just  as  corrupt  as  the
        Students  and  area  citizens   that he ascended to power as .a   We have new governmental      Republicans,  to whom  will  we
     are  invited.                    champion  of  the  people.  Our   leaders.  Most  are Democrats.   turn?
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