Page 12 - coccanyoncall_fy19751976
P. 12

Three Named  By
                                                                                                          Student  Senate

             By Sally A. Elder
        I am now a liberated female. I can                                                                 The  Student Senate has  revoked
                                                                                                          the appointment of Samuel Cobb as
      be  anything  I  want  to  be  -  a
      business  executive,  a  commercial                                                                 parliamentarian.
      pilot,  a  truck  driver,  even  a  mer-                                                              ASB  president  Dan  Selmser
      cenary. (What I really want to be is                                                                named Paul McGowan,  night  sena-
      a good homemaker. I know, I know.                                                                   tor,  as  temporary  parliamentarian
                                                                                                          for the remainder of the fall quarter.
      It's prostitution!)
        When the plumber came to fix the                                                                    Cobb was ousted in  part because
                                                                                                          of  frequent  absences  from  senate
      sink the  other day  I  asked  politely
      what was wrong.  He  became  rigid.                                                                 meetings.
                                                                                                            In  other  recent  appointments,
      His  face  turned  purple  and  he
      clutched  his  pipe  wrench  to  his                                                                Vicki  Cook  was  named  Associated
                                                                                                          Women  Students  representative,
        "Lady,"  he  said,  "I'm  not  telling                                                            and Lynne McGowan replaced Barry
      you a thing. It's you women's libers                                                                Tokar  on  the  bookstore  advisory
      who are ruining my business!"                                                                       committee. Tokar will be graduated
        "What  makes  you  think  I'm  a                                                                  this  quarter.
                                                                                                           Theater  Four is  the  newest  club
      liber?" I asked.
                                                                                                          on  campus.  Its  purpose  is  to
        "Nope. You're not getting around
      me with sweetness. You can't tell by                                                                cooperate with the oral communica-
      looks  alone  these  days,"  he  said,                                                              tions department  in  developing and
      looking  me  up  and  down.  "That                                                                  maintaining  an  educational  theater
      dress  might  be  a  disguise  and  I'm                                                             program  through  presentations  of
      sure as hell not aiding the enemy!"                                                                 plays.
        After  the  plumber  left,  carrying                                                                Senate  members  are  currently
      all  his  secrets  carefully  in  his  tool                                                         involved  in  planning  a  Christmas
      box,  I decided to go  shopping for  a                                                              Party  for  Santa  Clarita  valley
      blouse,  one  with  a  lot  of  frills  and                                                         children.  The  party  is  set  for
                                                                                                          December 22.
        "You want what?" the salesperson   Mr. Fore\
      as}rnd.  "I don't think we  carry them
      anymore.  That's  not  today's  look.                                                                  Book Review
      We  have  plenty  of  plain  collars.
      Here's a white shirt with the new tie                                                                      By Tim Colebank
      look.  It's  very  unisex ... wait,   \.\~ \\  n<z.,<ld  o.  \o{  mor-¢.  vo+czs
      here's the last blouse we  have  with                                                                 Before  each  game,  New  York
      lace. It's old stock. There's a spot on                                                             Jets' quarterback Joe Namath finds
      it ... "                                               +hishma.!                                    a nice quiet spot to meditate. Twice
        "I'll take it," I said,  clutching the                                                            a  day  Rep.  Richard  N.  Nolan  of
      blouse to my bosom and hurrying to                                                                  Minnesota  takes  time  out  for  the
      the cash register.                    Students  Visit  Death  Valley                                same purpose.  Such stars as Stevie
        "Hey Elder," a male voice boomed                                                                  Wonder, Mike Love and Peggy Lee
      behind me in  parking lot.                                                                          do  it.
        I  looked  around.  "Who  do  you   On  3-Day Geology  Field  Trip                                 It  does  not  seem  that  long  ago
      mean?"                                                                                              that  the  white-bearded,  flower-
        "You.  Yes,  I mean you,  Elder."                                                                 twirling  guru ,  the  Maharishi
        "Oh," I said, raising my eyebrows      By Linda Renslow           The  caravan  camped  the  first   Mashesh  Yogi,  was  pushing  the
      slightly  as  I  recognized  the  young   An estimated 55  vehicles and 175   night  at  Lone  Pine,  near  Whitney   movement known as Transcendental
                                        students and guests participated in   Portal.
      man loaded down with bundles.                                                                      Meditation  (TM),  publicized  in  the
                                        a recent three-day geology field trip   The main stop next morning was
             (Cont'd on Page 4)                                                                          60's  by  the  Beach  Boys  and  the
                                       to Death Valley and environs led by   in  the  Darwin  mining  area  where
                                        Winston  Wutkee,  geology  in-   students  collected  mineral  speci-  Beatles.
                                                                                                            One  of  the  best-selling  books  on
                                        structor.                        mens of copper, lead,  and zinc.   the subject is  "The TM  Book:  How
                                         Highlights  of  the  fun  and  study   The  safari  converged  on  Death
            THE CANYON CALL                                                                               to Enjoy the Rest of Your Life"  by
                                        safari  included  the  Randsburg-  Valley  the  last  day  of  the  annual
           Published  twice  monthly                                                                      Dennis  Denniston  and  Peter  Mc-
                                        J ohannesburg  mining  area,  Red   '49ers  Days  celebration,  where  in
         by  journalism  students  at                                                                     Williams. An introductory lecture is
         College  of  the  Canyons .   Rock  canyon,  Olivine  basalt  flow,   addition  to  interesting  geology,   followed by questions and answers.
                                       Red  Mountain  cinder  cone,  Lone   trippers enjoyed local talent, includ-
         Editorial   op i nions   ex-                                                                       TM,  the  book  proclaims,  is  so
                                       Pine,  Whitney  Portal,  Dolomite,   ing  a 76-year-old  man  who  learned
         pressed  in  this  publication                                                                   simple, natural and effortless. Fears
                                       Darwin,  Panamint  Springs,  and   to  play  the  piano  and  organ  as
         are  those of  the  writer  and                                                                  of TM  (if any)  are erased.
         not necessarily those of the   Death  Valley  in  California  and   thereapy after having a stroke more   The  cartoons  are  amusing  and
         college .                     Rhyolite and Beatty in  Nevada.   than 20 years ago.               delightful, illustrating the  scientific
                                         The  caravan  stopped  at  various   On  the  third  day  the  caravan
                 EDITOR                points to enable students to  collect   visited  Ubehebe  crater,  Scotty's   "evidence"  how  TM  helps  you  and
            Charles F. Connell                                                                            your body.
                                       rock  and  mineral  specimens  for   Castle,  and  Beatty,  Nev.,  where   "TM  is  not  a  -religion"  even
                 STAFF                 study  in  the  lab,  and  to  note  the   students  collected  samples  of
         Dan  Cullen,  Carol  Chamb-   land forms.                      fluorite.                         though  it  comes  from  an  Indian
         ers,  Tim  Colebank ,  Sally    Purpose of this trip,  according to   Sights well  worth the extra time   religion  leader,  the  authors  point
         E I d e r ,  Peg g y·  F re em an ,   Wutkee,  was  to enable  students to   it takes to see are Artist's Drive and   out.
         Jeanette  Gorham,  Carl       study geology in the field,  for which   Twenty-Mule  Team  canyon.  Wind-  Other  current  books  on  TM  are
         Graves ,  Mark  Guy,  Lauri   there is no substitute.          ing  through  the  soft  sedimentary   "TM: Discovering Inner Energy and
         Haynes ,  Donna  Heese,                                        rock of Twenty-Mule Team  canyon   Overcoming · Stress,"  by  Harold
         Robin  Huntsinger,  Susie       In  Rands burg,  students  visited   in a car is one thing,  but visualizing   Bloomfield,  Michael Cain and Denis
         Kassir,  Howard  Marsden,     locals,  residents,  and  browsed                                  Jaffe  for  $8.95  (third  on  the  best
         William Miller, Joe Murphy,   through shops, including the Desert   a  mule  team  doing  it,  the  driver   selling  list);  "The  Relaxation
         Valerie  Noccio lo,  Robe rt   Museum,  an  archive  of  the  famous   unable to see the end of his team, is   Response"  by  Herbert  Benson,  for
         Parker,  Bob  Petitt,  Lin da   Rand mining district.          something else.                   $5.95,  and  \'How  to  Meditate"  by
         Ren slow, Daniel Rod riguez.    Some hearty individuals  hiked to   By  special  permission,  the  party   Lawrence LeShan for  $1.95.
             PHOTOGRAPHS               the Yellow  Aster  mine  where  gold   visited Ryan  mine  and  was  treated   It should be pointed out, however,
         Glenn  Ritzma,  Charl es      was discovered in  1895.  Since then   to a guided tour by  one  of the four   that these  books  do  not  teach  you
                                                                        people who lives there. The mine is
         Connel I,  Carol  Chambers .   the  Rand  district has evolved  from                             how  to  meditate.  That  you  must
                                       discovery  to  boom  to  bust.  Re-  so far from civilization that the two   learn from  an  experienced teacher.
                ADVISER                                                 families who live there travel to Las
              Tony Remenih             portedly,  $22  million  in  gold  re-                             There are 370 TM centers across the
                                       mains, enough to reopen the mine if   Vegas,  120  miles  away,  to do  their   country,  with  more  than  6,000
                                       the price of gold  stabilizes.   shopping.                         teachers.
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