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                                                                                                            Censor  At  Work
                                                                                                             On Family Hour?
                 By Carl Graves
                                                                                                                      By Mark Guy
          How much longer can the middle
                                                                                                               "If you  can  censor  a  joke  today,
         class exist?
                                                                                                             you'll censor a documentary  tomor-
           It  is  being  taxed,  axed  and                                                                  row.  Then what's next?"
         legislated out of existence.                                                                          This  was  a  statement  made
           A  man  (or  women)  who  earned                                                                  recently  by  Alan  Alda,  star  of
         $10,000  a  year  in  1968  now  needs                                                              "M.A.S.H.",  about  the  new  7 to  9
         $18,000 to buy the same goods. And                                                                  p.m. Family Hour TV programming
         that only buys the necessities, with                                                                concept  that  has  pushed  many
         very few luxuries thrown in.                                                                        shows  out ·of  prime  time  and  hurt
                                                                                                             ratings in  general.
           One  federal  government  survey
                                                                                                               Carroll O'Connor,  star  of  "All  in
         shows  that  by  1980  50  per  cent  of                                                            the Family",  Norman Lear of "Tan-
         the  population  will  be  supporting                                                               dem"  productions  and  Danny
         the  other  50  per  cent.  What  this                                                              Arnold,  producer  of  "Barney
         leads to is obvious in  tod.ay's  news.                                                             Miller", all objected to the new FCC
         Look at New York City.
                                                                                                             Family  Hour  ruling  designed  to
           Then  there  are  the  appraisers.                                                                keep  violence  and  sex  off  TV  in
         They wield axes, demanding an arm                                                                   early evening hours.
         and maybe part of a leg in  personal                                                                  O'Connor  charged  that  the  FCC
         property  taxes.  The  average  in-                                                                 had  overstepped  its  authority  and
         crease  in  the  Newhall-Saugus-                                                                    should  not  be  in  a  position  to  say
         V alencia area is $200 to $600 a year.                                                              what will and  will  not be  shown  on
           Add  this  to  a  125  per  cent
         increase in our utility bills  the past                                                               Norman  Lear  stated  that  if  the
                                                                                                             new  ruling  had  been  in  effect  last
         year  and the unbelievable boosts in
         the cost of food  and clothing.                                                                     year all  but  one  of  the  episodes  of
                                                                                                             "All  in  the Family"  could  not  have
           My income has not kept pace. Has                                                                  aired.
         yours?                                                                                                He said that an  FCC  ruling made
                                                                                                             the  diapering  of  a  child  in  an
           What  happens  when  this  in-
                                                                                                             upcoming  episode  of  "All  in  the
        ~ flationary  process  finally  brings  us                                                           Family", TV's No. 1 comedy series,
         to our knees?
                                                                                                             non-admissable  for  the  family  time
           If  the  misguided  citizenry  that                                                               period.
         thinks  man  is  basically  good  and                                                                 Also hurt by the  ruling  were  the
         peaceful  has  its  way,  it  will  have                                                            "Mary  Tyler  Moore"  "Rhoda",
         legislated  away  all  our  guns.  This                                                             "Phyllis", and "Three for  the Road"
         will leave us completely open to the                                                                series.  All  but  the  last  have  been
         revolt  of  those  who  will  object  to                                                            pulled  out  of  prime  time  slots  to
         "losing"  our  incomes  which  have                                                                 comply with the FCC  ruling.
         been supporting them in the manner                                                                    I  maintain  that  the  FCC  has  no
         to  which  they  have  become  ac-  April Muhl plays a leading role of Charlotte, one of the love interests in  "The   right  to  interfere  with  program-
         customed.                         Contrast",  first  campus  drama  on  many  months.  A Comedy-satire, set  in   ming,  unless  completely  without
           The  food  stamps,  free  housing,   post-Revolutionary war  days,  premieres at  8  p.m.,  Thursday,  Dec.  4,  with   social  value  or  if  they  encourage
         dental and hospital care and  all  the   later  performances  at  1  and  8  p.m.  on  Friday  and  at  8  p.m.  on  Saturday.   unnatural  or  violent  actions.  The
         rest.                            Tickets, available at the door of the Little Theater Behind the Bookstore, are   FCC's  legitimate  function  is  to
                                          $2  for general admissions and  $1  for  ASH  card holders.        license stations  and  to  regulate TV
           Russia's Premier Khruschev  said                                                                  and  radio frequencies  not to deter-
         in  the  1950s  that  we  will  bury                                                                mine the subject matter of shows.
         ourselves and  it looks  as  if  we  are                                                              It  will  be  interesting  to  learn
         doing a good job of it.                                                                             what reasons the FCC can come  up
                                                                                                             with for  its Family Hour concept in
           We have destroyed a  presidency,
                                                                                                             up-coming  litigation  instigated  by
         which may or may not have been for                                                                  TV  series' producers.
         good reasons. After all,  most of the                                                                 I assert the FCC is wrong because
         congressmen  in  charge  of  the  in-                                                               its  ruling  will  ultimately  lead  to
         vestigations and hearings had voted                                                                 government-controlled   media,
         three  times  not  to  investigate  the                                                             which  in  the  long  run  leads  to  a
         Bobby  Baker  case,  which  involved
                                                                                                             diluted democracy. Or far worse, no
         President  Johnson,  and  which                                                                     democracy at all.
         probably  would  have  been  more
         sensational than Watergate.
                                                                                                                 Four  Win  Birds
           These same men  have just voted
         not to censure Congressman Michael                                                                       In  Turkey  Trot
         Harrington  (D-Mass.)  who  had
         given  his  sworn  oath  not  to  "leak"                                                               First place winners in  the recent
         any information in the CIA hearings                                                                  Turkey  Trot  were  Fred  Lowder,
         and then did.                                                                                        Dave Bubnash,  Debbi  Gartner  and
                                                                                                              Mike  Garcia.  All  received  dressed
           We  have  now  practically  castra-
                                                                                                              turkeys.  Trailing  Lowder  in  the
         ted the  FBI  and  CIA.  Most  of  our                                                               under  29-years-old  class  were  Jim
         faith  in  our  government  has  been
                                                                                                              Lopez and Robert Johnston.
                                                                                                                Second and third place winners in
           Karl . Marx  primarily  did  not                                                                   the  women's  division  won  by  Ms.
         promote  instigation  of  revolution.                                                                Gartner  were  Debbie  Denyer  and
         Rather,  destroy  people's  faith  in   More than 30 runners turned out for  COC's  annual Turkey Trot.  First place   Tina  Janke.  Trailing  Garcia  in  the
                                           winners,  who  received  dressed  turkeys  as  prizes,  are  (left  to  right)  Dave
         their  government  and  revolution                                                                   over-30  category  were  coach  Lee
                                           Bubnash, Fred Lowder, Debbi Gartner and Mike Garcia. Lesser prizes went to
         automatically  will  take  place,  he                                                                Smelser and Don Hellrigel,  Spanish
         said.                             second and third place finishers.                                  instructor.
           A taxed-to-the-extreme, unarmed                                                                      Bubnash  ran  unopposed  to  win
         middle class can function  just about   WINTER CONCERT              wind ensemble, will be presented at   the  athlete's  division.  Second
         as  well  as  an  impotent  man  ship-                              3 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 7,  in the main   placers  won  a  bucket  of  fried
         wrecked  on  a  desert  island  with   The  music  department's  winter   dining room of the Student Center.   chicken  and  third  place  winners
         Racquel Welch.                    concert, featuring mixed chorus and   Admission is free.           took home pumpkin pies.
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