Page 14 - coccanyoncall_fy19751976
P. 14

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      The  queen's  escort  was  her  brother,  Mark,  Hart  High  School  senior  who's   The Pep Squad, aided by members earlier years, added color and pzazz to
      already received numerous athletic scholarship offers for  his  prowess on  the   the occasion. Here (left to right) Michelle Woods, Linda Thompson and Karen
      football and baseball fields.                                      McCoy pep it up.

                                                                                                               (Cont'd From Page 2)
           (Cont'd From Page 1)
      Trustees as "the steward of our tax                                                                   "My car is next to yours. Will you
      money that has to weigh this."                                                                      open the door for  me?"  he  said.  He
        "I  would  certainly  make  them                                                                  tossed me  his keys.
      aware  of  the  fact  that  I  have  not                                                             "Ahhh-well-okay-I  guess."  I
      polled the faculty  and the students,                                                              opened his  car door.
      but  that  I  feel  they  aren't  any
      different  from  those  of  the  other                                                                "Hey  Elder,  thanks  for  being  a
      schools.                                                                                            good guy," he  said,  slapping me  on
        "I don't think there will be serious                                                              the back.
      disadvantages  to  the  students  or                                                                  Now  I've  been  called  a  lot  of
      faculty if we were to switch. If I can                                                              names,  but never a "good guy"!
      show  that  there  would  be  some                                                                    On  the  way  home  I  heard  on  a
      savings that could be converted into
                                                                                                          radio talk show about a new plan for
      instruction,  then,  hopefully,  the                                                                the liberation of all women from the
      board,  with  its  usual  good  sense,
                                                                                                          drudgery of homemaking.
      would decide correctly.
        Mouck summed up his desire for a                                                                    "It has now been proposed by the
      change to the semester system like                                                                  National  Liberation  Movement  for
      this:                                                                                               American Women that all employers
        "Under the semester plan, we can                                                                  furnish  full-time  day-care  centers
      save  money  in  a  number  of  ways,                                                               for  working  mothers  and  birth
      including  not  having  to  add  per-                                                               control  pills  for  married  and  un-
      sonnel  to  provide  services  three   Candidates entered Cougar Stadium on  cars  loaned for  the occasion by local   married  women,"  said  the  woman
      times  a  year  that  we  could  offer   dealers, Vince Wiese Chevrolet and Oasis Ford.  A lovely princess was Kathy   commentator.  "We  have  an  em-
      twice a year.                    Ellis (above).                                                     ployer here to give us his views ...
       "This would help maintain quality                                                                  Mr. Jones?"
      of instruction, or, perhaps, improve                                                                  "These  !!t * i:!**women,"  he
      on  it  in  the years ahead.  But if  we   small  majority,  he  believes,  would   ALPINE CLUB HIKE   started.
      don't  change,  I  see  us  in a  kind  of   vote for the semester plan.   The Alpine club will hold  its first   I turned the radio off. We've come
      holding  p·attern,  doing  nothing  to   'Tm  sure,  however,  that  a  ma-  hike of the year Sunday, Dec.  7,  to   a long ways baby ...
      keep pace with inflation and  all  the   jority of students would  pref er the   Henniger  Flats  in  mountains  back
      pressures being brought to bear on   quarter system," he added.    (north)  of  Altadena,  reports  David   (All  I  really  want  is  to  find  out
      the state,  the taxpayer  and  every-  Mouck  said  it  would  serve  no   Mark,  club  president.  Hikers  will   what  my  talents  are  and  how  to
      body else.                       purpose  to  ask  students  about  the   travel to the trail head via a car pool   perfect them.  I want to learn about
       "I  mean,  we  won't  have  any   proposed changes "because I think I   organized  at  COC's  lower  parking   our world, people and myself. I may
      options."                        know what their feelings are ... and   lot at 8:30 a.m.            want  to  work.  I  don't  want  to  be
       Mouck acknowledged that "prob-  that goes for the faculty  as well."                               pushed into working. I enjoy being a
      ably  a  significant  number"  of  the   The vice  president said  he  hoped   Registration  packets  for  the   homemaker .. .I know, I know. It's
      faculty  would  prefer  to  stay  with   to present  his  recommendations  to   winter quarter are available  in  the   incredible!)
     the  quarter  system,  although  a   the board this month.         Office of Admissions and Records.   So,  what's next?
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