Page 19 - coccanyoncall_fy19751976
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               By Paul McGowan
          Technically  a  "SOWHOCARES"
        syndrome,  this  is  a  debilitating
        condition we all suffer.
          Example:  The  recent  Winter
          The  United  States,  a  super
        power, leader in democracy and the
        wealthiest nation, fielded one of the
        largest and youngest teams.
          Physically we looked fine  and our
        "amateurs"  gave  it  all  they  had.
        Unfortunately they are "amateurs",
        competing  against  nations  whose
        "amateurs"  are  frequently  profes-
          These  nations  spend  millions  of
        dollars, marks, ruples or what have
        you in support of their "amateurs".
        While  in  this  wealthy  nation  it
        seems  as  if  our  "amateurs"  must
        hitchhike their way to immortality.
          I care. We should all care! It may
        not be everyone's goal to be first in
        everything,  and  that's  well  and
        good, but when we send a represen-  COC's 23-piece jazz band, directed by Stewart Fischer, won  third-place  ranking at recent California  State University,
        tative team in  any  field  to compete   Long Beach, jazz festival competition. Group won a second citation as best rhythm section. Guitarist Rick Zunigar was
        we  should  afford  it  the  same   cited as one of the meet's outstanding soloists.
        opportunities to train  and  excel  as
        its  competitors enjoy.
          Let's  look  at  it  from  the  stand-
        point  of  our  democracy.  We  are    OPINION
        embarking on 200 years of freedom.
          But there are those who give us a
        cheap  shot whenever they  can  and      By Carl Graves
        what better way than to whip us in   "The Making of a Criminal".
        international sports competition.   Act 1:  Scene 1:
          They then say, "That great nation   Man  is  awakened  from  a  sound
        with all its resources,  affluence and   sleep by noise.  His  wife  hears it at
        freedom cannot compete." And they   the same time.
        are  right  as  it  stands  now,  parti-  Wife:  What  was  that?  Do  you
        cularly  in  the  prestigious  Winter
                                         think  one  of  the  children  is  down-
        Olympic games.                   stairs?
          Let's  also  look  at  it  from  the
                                           Husband: I don't know? I'll check
        standpoint  of  socialism  vs.  capital-  their room.
        ism. We have been and are actively
                                           Husband  returns,  goes  to  a
        engaged in  a  war,  cold  to  be  sure,   dresser drawer and takes out his 22
        but still war, and we are not looking   caliber pistol.
        so good.  In this cold  war the world   Husband: The children are asleep
        judges  the  United  States  via  the   but  someone  is  moving  around
        Olympic Games.                   downstairs.  You  stay  here.  I'll  be
          The  Olympic  Games  are  "big
                                         back as soon as I check it out.
        business"  and  right  now  our  oft-  Husband  goes  downstairs  while
        referred to  "business-controlled   his  wife  waits  apprehensively.
        capitalistic country" is second best.
                                         Suddenly  there  is  a  shot  and  then
          All  we  need  do  to  regain  pre-  another, followed by the sound of a   COC's  winners  in  the current  Bank  of  America  scholarship  competition  are
         eminence in the athletic area of the   slammed door.  Footsteps are heard   James  Quillen,  science-engineering;  Catherine  Herron,  social  science-
         cold war is to give  our athletes the   running down  the  st-reet.  Husband   humanities,  and  Sarah  Fink,  vocational-technical.  Three  will  compete  for
         same  training  facilities,  the  same   returns to the bedroom.   prizes up to $2,000 in  up-coming competitions.
         freedom  from  economic  pressures
                                           Husband: Did you call the police?
         while  training,  and  the  same  or-  Wife: No, not yet. I was terrified.
         ganized  and  disciplined  national   I didn't think of it. What happened?   judge  said:  Under  the  Criminal   that  if  a  householder  uses  'deadly
         support  enjoyed  by  most  other   Husband:  I'll call them now.   Justice Reform Act of 1975, we have   force'  to stop a  night prowler from
         athletes of the world.            Act II: Scene 1:               to  prove  that  we  couldn't  have   taking  his  personal  property,  the
          Just an even break, that's all.   Wife: How can they give you five   gotten  out  without  harming  the   householder will be violating federal
          But  too  many  Americans  are
                                         years in jail for defending your own   people entering our home.   law  and  thus  become  a  criminal
         afflicted with a malaise.
                                         home?                              This is a hypothetical story. Yes,   himself.
           SO  WHO  CARES?                 Husband:  You  heard  what  the   it sounds impossible - that it could   "Only if the lives of the victim and
                                         Judge said. We could have retreated   take  place  in  our  country.  But  if   his  family  are  threatened  directly
           JOLEEN  BOCK                  down  the  rear  stairs  and  out  the   sections  541  through  544  of  the   by the intruder can deadly counter-
                                         back.                            Criminal Justice Reform Act of 1975   action be taken. Otherwise the only
             (Cont'd From Page 1)          Wife:  But  how  could  we  know   are passed by  Congress,  the above   permissible action is 'safe retreat'."
        she  toured  the  Far  East,  visiting   how  many  h_urglars  there  were  or   story can become reality.   Hasn't  the  criminal  received
        libraries in  several countries.   what  they  wanted?  How  can  they   If  you  don't  believe  this,  check   enough  justice?  Isn't  it  about  time
         Dr.  Bock's  articles  on  library   take the word of the other one, the   with  your senator or congressman.   the  victim  has  at  least  a  fighting
        science  and  instructional  resources   one that got out, that they wouldn't   The  bill  has  already  received  ap-  chance? Unless you are the one who
       topics  have  been  published  in   have  harmed  us?  We  didn't  ask   proval  by  the  senate  judiciary   does the breaking in,  I suggest you
        numerous publications i~cluding   them to come in. What could we do?   committee.                   notify  your  congressman  and
       Library Journal,  Journal  of Micro-  Just run  and  let  them  take  every-  The  following  is  quoted  from  a   senator  of  your  feelings  about
        graphics,  and  the  National  Edu-  thing?                       recent Herald Examiner editorial.   portions  of  the  Criminal  Justice
        cational Secretary.                Husband:  You  heard  what  the   "These sections  specifically  state   Reform Act of 1975.
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