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                                                                                                            Senate  Plans
                                                                                                             Art  Festival
            Charles F. Connell
       Last  week  Richard  M.  Nixon
     emerged  from  his  San  Clemente                                                                     COC's  Student  Senate  is  cur-
     estate to make  yet another  assault                                                                 rently  planning  a  Renaissance  fair
     on the democratic  processes of this                                                                 to  replace  the  cancelled  spring
     nation.                                                                                              picnic.
       Nixon,  who  must fancy  himself a                                                                  The  fair  will  take  place  April  31
     phoenix,  rose  from  the  stinking                                                                  and  May  1.
     ashes of Watergate at the beck and                                                                    Some of the activities planned for
     call  of  the  tottering  leader  of  the                                                            the  fair  include  strolling  minstrels
     Chinese  people,  Mao  Tse-tung,  to                                                                 and  a dance or concert the evening
     discuss current world events.                                                                        of May  1.  Booths  will  be  set up  for
       Such arrogance. Fired in disgrace                                                                  artists to display  their works.
     only a short time ago from one of the                                                                 "We look for  strong participation
     most prestigious jobs in  the world,                                                                 by  COC  and  Cal-Arts  students and
     Nixon  will  not accept  the  fact  that                                                             artists in the community," said Paul
     he has been rejected by this nation.                                                                 McGowan,  night  senator  and  fair
     His  refusal  to  retire  from  the                                                                  planner.
     spotlight borders on  serious mental                                                                  Fair  site  on  campus  has  not  yet
     aberration.                                                                                          been determined.
       The invitation to Nixon from  Mao                                                                   The  senate  is  also  planning  the
     for some is final proof that the great                                                               annual blood bank for  April  8.  This
     leader  of  the  Chinese  people  has                                                                will  take place from  10  a.m.  to 3:30
     become senile.                                                                                       p.m.  in the student lounge.
       The  journey  to  Peking  demon-                                                                    According  to  Joe  Allen,  vice
     strates  that  Nixon  will  not  cry                                                                 president and chairman of the blood
     "UNCLE".  His  cosmic  selfishness,                                                                  bank  committee,  the  goal  is  to  top
                                                                                                         last  year's  mark  of  107  pints.  The
     so traumatically in  evidence  during
     the greatest political scandal in  the                                                               new goal  is  125  pints.
     nation's 200-year-history - Water-                                                                    "We  hope  to  achieve  this  goal
     gate  -  is  again  manifestly  clear.                                                              through  expanded  participation  by
                                                                                                         students  and  staff  members  and
     Nixon will take any and all  steps to
     obtain power.                                                                                        members  of  the  community,"  said
       Why won't this man retreat with
     what dignity remains to him into his                                                                  A subcommittee of the instruction
                                                                                                         council  is  currently  discussing  a
     luxurious  Zanadu  at  San  Clemente
     and  stop  inflicting  himself  on  the                                                             switch from mandatory to voluntary
                                                                                                         participation  in  physical  education.
     United States of America?
       This  man  is  a  national  political        Foreign  Aid                                         The committee has produced a vote
     liability.                                                                                          in  favor  of  voluntary  participation
                                                                                                         and  now  are  discussing  ways  to
       The  fact  that  the  trip  to  Peking
     might  provide  considerable  embar-                                                                implement the program. The switch
     rassment to President Ford, who in   Cambodian  Coed  Sees  Old  Ways                               is  subject to board approval.
     the  middle  of  a  dark  night  may                                                                  Members  of  the  committee  are
     awake  in  cold  sweat  from  a  night-  Changing  Slowly  In  Home  Land                           Steve  Cerra,  dean  of  academic
                                                                                                         education,  chairman;  Vicki  Cook,
     mare screaming over the PARDON,
                                                                                                         Terri  Bronson,  and  Dave  Mark,
     doesn't  seem  to  bother  Nixon.  His                                                              student  representatives,  and  Ann
     first words in Peking repudiated the    By Sally A. Elder         take  care  of  the  children  and  the
     Helsinki  agreement  and  policy  of   Women's  lib  is  still  far  in  the   house.  The  husband is  expected  to   Heidt, Gary Valentine, Monty Cart-
                                                                                                         wright,  Gail  Ishimatsu,  and  Cherri
     detente  that  he  passed  on  to   future in Cambodia, but century-old   earn the money.
     President  Ford  and  Secretary  of   relationships between the sexes are   "In  my  generation  women  work   Choate,  instructors.
                                                                                                           The  senate  recently  sponsored
     State Henry Kissinger.           slowly  changing,  according  to   more," said Ms. Man. She explained   the  film  2001:  A  Space  Odyssey.
       His  egoism  is  cosmic.  It makes   Mareine Man, a pre-nursing student   that there are not as  many  "parent
     you  want to vomit.              at COC.                          arranged  marriages".  If  a  girl  and   The largest turnout in the history of
                                                                                                         film  showing on campus, 225  people
       The  American  taxpayer,  iron-  Ms.  Man,  the  eldest  of  12  chil-  boy fall in love, the girl asks the boy
     ically,  is  footing  part  of  the  bill   dren, escaped to the United  States   to inform his  parents to obtain her   attended.
     because  advisers  and  security  per-  from  Cambodia  just  prior  to  the   parents'  permission  for  dating  and
     sonnel attached  to the Nixon  party   communist  take-over.  She  fled  to   marriage.
            (Cont'd on Page 4)                                           "A  boy  and  girl  cannot  live
                                                                       together unless  married," said  Ms.   Film Review
                                                                       Man, reflecting her Buddhist culture
          THE  CANYON  CALL                                            which  frowns  on  the  unchaste.
          Published  twice  monthly                                    Stealing,  lying,  gambling,  taking
                                                                                                                 By Tim Colebank
        by  journal ism  students  at                                  strong drinks,  as  well  as  killing  of
        College  of  the  Canyons.                                     animals  are  also  rejected  by  Cam-  After  successful  roles  in  God-
        Editorial   opinions   ex-                                     bodia Buddhists.                  fa,ther  (Part  1  and  Part  2)  and
        pressed  in  this  publication                                   "We eat mostly vegetables," said   Serpico,  Al Pacino has come up with
        are  those  of  the  writer  and                               Ms.  Man.  "Chicken is  more  expen-  another  masterpiece  in  Dog  Day
        not necessarily those of the                                   sive  than beef.  We  were  forbidden   Afternoon.
        college .                                                      to  raise  chickens  before  the  \\'ar,"   Dog Day Afternoon is a true story
               EDITOR                                                  according to Ms.  Man.  Cambodian's   about a bisexual who robs a bank in
           Charles F. Connell                                          do  eat  some  meat  now,  although   Brooklyn.  The  caper  backfires.
                STAFF                                                  they  do  not  participate  in  butcher-  Trapped  in  the  bank  with  his
                                                                       ing of animals.                   partner  (Chris  Saradon)  and  six
        Billy Atkin s, Tim  Colebank,                                                                    hostages,  he deals  with  the FBI for
        Sally  Elder,  Carl  Graves ,        MAREINE MAN                 Ms.  Man  attended  the  only  high   a bus to take them to the airport and
        Mark  Guy ,  Howard  Mars-                                     school  in  Cambodia  that  taught
                                      escape possible  retaliation  because                              an escape jet. At the end he ·is a folk
        den ,  William  Miller,  Joe                                   English,  which  she  found  difficult.
                                      she was an employee of the  Ameri-                                 hero.
        Murphy ,  Bob  Parker ,  Dan                                     "It is  hard to talk to people," she
                                      can embassy in Phnom Penh, capital                                   The movie  is  up  for  six  Aeademy
        Rodriguez , Paul  McGowan.                                     said.  "But  my  teachers  and  the
                                      of Cambodia.                     students  have  helped,"  smiled  the   awards  including  best  picture ,
           PHOTOGRAPHERS                "Before my generation," said Ms.                                 Paci no for best actor,  best director,
        Carol  Chambers ,  Glenn                                       soft-spoken Ms.  Man.
                                      Man, "men and women had no equal                                   best film  editing,  best  sereen-play,
        Ritzma ,  Frank  Vollmer ,                                       Remembering  her  first  days  at
                                      rights. Parents chose the daughter's                               and  best  supporting  actor.  The
        Jo hn  Will iams .                                             Camp  Pendleton,  Ms.  Man  said  it
                                      husband.  A girl had no  rebuttal."   was "very cold, especially at night".   movie  is  most  entertaining  and
               ADVISER                  The man in Cambodia today is the                                 never dull.
             Tony Remenih             head of his family. The wife does not   Her  stay  at  the  camp  was  short.   In  my  opinion  it's  earned  every
                                      work.  The  woman  is  expected  to     (Cont'd on Page 4)         nomination.
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