Page 13 - coccanyoncall_fy19751976
P. 13

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         Music Review

              By Howard Marsden
         It  was  a  strange  and  eerie
        evening.  Frighteningly  powerful
        sounds were coming from the small
        Roxy Theater in  the black  heart of
        Hollywood.  But  I  was  ready  for
        anything  as  I  crept  into  this  de-
        cadent and insidious town.
         What I  heard  at the Roxy  was  a
        real treat.  The  newly  formed  Billy
        Cobham-George  Duke  quartet  was
        headlining.   The   excitement
        mounted  in  the  dark  and  smoky
        theater.  When  Cobham  and  Duke
        parlayed  incredible  drumming  and
        synthesized  sounds  into  an  intro-
        duction  of  seismic  proportions,  the
        audience literally sat in  awe.
         Drummer Cobham and keyboards
        player  Duke  were  ably  supported
        by  guitarist  John  Scofield  and
        bassist  Doug  Rauch.  The  potent
       foursome split the set pretty evenly   Seconds before  the moment of truth.  ASB president Dan Selmser (at microphone) prepares to announce  the  winner  of
        between Duke and Cobham tunes.    Homecoming Queen contest. Candidates, in  addition to the winner,  Ms.  Nocciolo,  were Naomi Harjo,  Valarie Mundell,
         The  band  was  extremely  tight   Nancy Beaty and Kathy Ellis. As princesses, they comprised the queen's court at the game and at the Homecoming dance
       and  there  were  no  problems  with   that followed.
       the  sound  system.  Scofield  played
       some  tasteful  solos  but  Rauch
        seemed  detached  and  almost  for-
        gotten at times.
       ,.  Cobham  seemed  to  be  shying
        away  from  the explosive  free  form
        jazz/rock  that  made  him  famous.
        Duke, on the other hand, stuck with
        his · stylish  brand  of  rhythm  and
         I found the band most effective in
        Duke's  "Feel"  and  "For  Love,  I
       Come Your Friend." The group also
        gibed well  on  Cobham's jazzy "Red
        Baron" and bluesy "East Bay".
         The four  members of this  combo
        have  somewhat  diverse  musical
        roots, but when  they become  more
        familiar  with· each  other's  music,
        they  will  improve  vastly.  I  was
        pleased with the show even though
        it was flawed.
         This  new  band  can  become  very
        big if it can get its act together.
         Cobham,  by the way,  has  a  new
        album A Funky Thi,de  of Sings,  and
        Duke's  latest  is  The  Aura  Will
        Prevail.  Fine albums.

                                              VALARIE NOCCIOLO
                                                                            Frank  Vollmer,  COC's  first  Homecoming  King,  and  his  date,  Dolly  Hays,
             (Cont'd From Page  1)
                                                                            beautifully gowned, rest between dances at the ball that followed the football
         The  evening  started  with  the   Selmser named Ms. N occiolo Home-  game.
        candidates  and  escorts  along  with   coming Queen for  1975.
       last  year's  luscious  queen,  Lauri   Camera  flashes  bombarded  the
        Haynes, escorted by last year's ASB   queen  while  the  sky  over  Cougar                            Light,  Terri  Bronson,  Paul  Jensen
        president,  John  Oddone,  and    Stadium  exploded  in  a  colorful    Plan  Winter                  and Charles Ippoliti.  Others include
        Vollmer  and  his  date,  lovely  Dolly   fireworks display.                                          Joanne  Julian,  art  instructor;
       Hays,  at  dinner  in  the  Backwoods   Last  year's  queen,  Ms.  Haynes,   Fashion  Show             Debbie  Lopez,  community  services
        Inn.                              crowned the new queen.                                              office;  Scarlett  Tucker,  secretary,
         The candidates and their  escorts   COC's  band,  under  the  direction                              and  Sue Boser,  clerk-typist.
        were  Ms.  Nocciolo  escorted  by  her   of Robert Downs,  music instructor,   College  of  the  Canyons'  winter   Refreshments   will   include
       brother,  Mark;  Nancy  Beaty  and   provided music for the festivities.   style  show,  this  year  called  the   cookies,  cakes and tea.
       Craig Wanek;  Kathy  Ellis  and  Joe   The first act of the new queen was   Bi-Centennial  Tea  Party  and   Music  will  be  provided  by  Rich
        Zwik;  Valarie  Mundell  and  Scott   to give  $100  scholarships  to  repre-  Fashion  Show,  will  be  held  during   Bund  at  the  piano  and  a  small
       Peterson, and Naomi Harjo and Jeff   sentatives of Hart and Canyon High   the noon hour on Thursday, Dec. 11,   combo·.
       Branstine.                         Schools.                          in  the  main  dining  room  of  the   Master of ceremony  assignments
         Festivities started with the cand-  After  the  football  game,  the   Student Center.               will  be  filled  by  Jack  Nava,  hair
       dates touring  the  stadium  track  in   queen and her court reigned  at the   The  event  will  highlight  dress   stylist, and Carol Chambers.
       automobiles.  The  candidates  then   Homecoming  dance  in  the  Student   worn  at  the  time  of  the  American   Contemporary  fashions  will  be
       promenaded  across  the  field  with   Center. Music was provided by "Mr.   Revolution as well as contemporary   provided  by  Casa  De  Hombre,
       their  escorts  and  formed  a  semi-  Mote and Stuff'.              fashions, with students, administra-  Newhall,  and  Joyce  and  Harris'
       circle in  front of the home stands.   Ms.  Nocciolo  will  represent  COC   tive  and  faculty  personnel  model-  Fashion Gallery,  Canyon Country.
         ']"he  crowd  sat silent with  antici-  throughout  the  year  in  community   ling.                   The show will  be video-taped for
        pation  as  ASB  president  Dan   and school functions.               Student models will include  Andi   replay on  Channel 6.
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