Page 4 - doi_preservationbrief36
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          Figures 5-7: Atlases and aerial photographs were useful for   Figures 8, 9: Mary: Smith Nelson spent her childhood at the Zane Grey
          understanding the evolution of burial grounds in  Lancaster County,   famIly compound  In Lackawaxen, Pennsylvania.  Recently, her
          Pennsylvania. Comparing the plans from  the 1864 and 1875 atlases   recollectIOns of nearly eIghty years ago helped landscape architects to
          (courtesy Lancaster County Historical Society) with a 1980 aerial   document the evolution of this cultural landscape. These oral memoirs
          photograph (courtesy Lancaster County Planning Commission) revealed   have since bee? confirmed by archeological and archival findings.
          the growth and development of Woodward Hill Cemetery and its   (courtesy NatIOnal Park SerVIce, Zane Grey House Archives and
          geographic context for over a century.                   LANDSCAPES)

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