Page 4 - hr2156_20181114
P. 4

                                The Committee on Energy and Natural Resources met in open
                              business session on October 2, 2018, and ordered H.R. 2156 favor-
                              ably reported, as amended.
                                                COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION
                                The Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, in
                              open business session on October 2, 2018, by a majority voice vote
                              of a quorum present, recommends that the Senate pass H.R. 2156,
                              if amended as described herein.
                                                   COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
                                During its consideration of H.R. 2156, the Committee adopted an
                              amendment in the nature of a substitute. The substitute amend-
                              ment deleted the findings in section 2 and moved the definitions
                              from section 8 to the new section 2. The substitute amendment also
                              updated the map.
                                                SECTION-BY-SECTION ANALYSIS
                              Section 1. Short title
                                Section 1 contains the short title.
                              Section 2. Definitions
                                Section 2 contains key definitions.
                              Section 3. Saint Francis Dam Disaster National Memorial
                                Subsection (a) authorizes the Secretary of Agriculture (Secretary)
                              to establish a Memorial at the Saint Francis Dam site in Los Ange-
                              les County, California, in honor of the victims of the March 12,
                              1928 disaster.
                                Subsection (b) requires the Memorial to be known as the ‘‘Saint
                              Francis Dam Disaster National Memorial’’ and managed by the
                              U.S. Forest Service.
                                Subsection (c) authorizes the Secretary to accept, hold, admin-
                              ister, invest, and spend any gift, devise, or bequest of real or per-
                              sonal property made to the Secretary for purposes of developing,
                              designing, constructing, and managing the Memorial.
                              Section 4. Recommendations for Memorial
                                Subsection (a) requires the Secretary, within three years of en-
                              actment, to submit to Congress recommendations regarding the
                              Memorial’s planning, design, construction, and long-term manage-
                              ment; the proposed boundaries; a visitor center and educational fa-
                              cilities; and ensuring public access.
                                Subsection (b) requires the Secretary to consult with appropriate
                              Federal agencies; State, Tribal, and local governments, including
                              the Santa Clarita City Council; and the public in preparing the rec-
                              ommendations required under subsection (a).
                              Section 5. Establishment of Saint Francis Dam Disaster National
                                Subsection (a) establishes a national monument on approxi-
                              mately 353 acres of National Forest System land administered by
                              the Secretary in Los Angeles County, California, as generally de-
                              picted on the September 12, 2018 map entitled ‘‘Proposed Saint

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