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P. 7

                                    The Department of the Interior defers to the Depart-
                                  ment of Agriculture for a position on S. 1926 and H.R.
                                  2156 since the purpose of the legislation is to establish a
                                  national monument and a national memorial in the Ange-
                                  les National Forest, administered by the U.S. Forest Serv-
                                  ice in Los Angeles County. Both the national monument
                                  and the national memorial would be located at a site that
                                  is not under the jurisdiction of the Department of the Inte-
                                  rior, and this bill does not provide for any management or
                                  funding by the National Park Service.
                                    The Saint Francis Dam was one of several large infra-
                                  structure projects constructed in the early 20th century to
                                  help control water flow to southern California. On March
                                  12, 1928, the dam breached, and the resulting flood took
                                  more than 400 lives. The collapse of this dam is considered
                                  one of the worst civil engineering failures in the 20th cen-
                                  tury. S. 1926 and H.R. 2156 authorize the Secretary of Ag-
                                  riculture to establish the memorial to honor the disaster
                                  victims. The bills also authorize the creation of a 440-acre
                                  Saint Francis Dam Disaster National Monument that will
                                  encompass the site of the Saint Francis Dam National Me-
                                    The National Park Service has management responsi-
                                  bility for a large number national memorials and national
                                  monuments, and the public often associates both types of
                                  designated sites with the National Park Service. In this
                                  case, however, the national monument and the national
                                  memorial would be located deep within the Angeles Na-
                                  tional Forest and would fall within the responsibility of the
                                  Forest Service.
                                    Mr. Chairman, this concludes my statement. I would be
                                  pleased to answer any questions you or other members of
                                  the Subcommittee may have.
                                The testimony provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture at
                              the August 15, 2018, hearing on S. 1926 and H.R. 2156 follows:
                                   STATEMENT FOR THE RECORD CONCERNING S. 1926—SAINT
                                       FRANCIS DAM DISASTER NATIONAL MEMORIAL ACT
                                    Mr. Chairman and members of the subcommittee, thank
                                  you for the opportunity to present the views of the U.S.
                                  Department of Agriculture (USDA) regarding S. 1926, the
                                  Saint Francis Dam Disaster National Memorial Act.
                                    S. 1926 authorizes the Secretary of Agriculture to estab-
                                  lish the Saint Francis Dam Disaster Memorial at the Saint
                                  Francis Dam site in Los Angeles County, California, for
                                  the purpose of honoring the victims of the Saint Francis
                                  Dam disaster of March 12, 1928. The Act would establish
                                  a National Monument on 353 acres of the Angeles Na-
                                  tional Forest, as depicted on the map titled ‘‘Saint Francis
                                  Dam Disaster National Monument—Proposed’’, dated Au-
                                  gust 2, 2017. The Memorial would be created for the pur-
                                  poses of conserving and enhancing the cultural, archae-
                                  ological, historical, watershed, educational and rec-
                                  reational resources of the dam disaster site.

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