Page 8 - hr2156_20181114
P. 8

                                    The legislation authorizes the Secretary to accept, hold,
                                  administer, invest, and spend any gift, and devise or be-
                                  quest of real or personal property made to the Secretary
                                  for purposes of developing, designing, constructing, and
                                  managing the Memorial.
                                    The legislation directs the Secretary to develop rec-
                                  ommendations to Congress within three years of enact-
                                  ment regarding the planning, boundaries, design, construc-
                                  tion and long-term management of the Memorial, includ-
                                  ing recommendations regarding a visitor center and edu-
                                  cational facilities. The Secretary would develop the rec-
                                  ommendations after consulting with appropriate Federal
                                  agencies; State, tribal and local governments and the pub-
                                    USDA would like to work with the bill sponsor and Sub-
                                  committee to reduce administrative costs and burdens to
                                  the Forest and Region. These costs would include plan-
                                  ning, creating and maintaining a new Memorial, including
                                  a visitor center and educational facilities. USDA is sup-
                                  portive of the authority to accept donations for the Memo-
                                  rial under section 3(c) but is concerned that it will not be
                                  able to rely solely on donations to plan, design, implement,
                                  construct and maintain a new Memorial if supported by
                                  external donations.
                                    USDA recommends to the bill sponsor and the sub-
                                  committee that the legislative map ‘‘Saint Francis Dam
                                  Disaster National Monument—Proposed’’ be revised so
                                  that the Monument boundary lines take into consideration
                                  existing land uses, management needs, and Forest Plan
                                  designations. USDA would suggest limiting activity to
                                  meet incoming donations.
                                    Thank you for the opportunity to present our position on
                                  S. 1926, the Saint Francis Dam Disaster National Memo-
                                  rial Act.
                                                  CHANGES IN EXISTING LAW
                                In compliance with paragraph 12 of rule XXVI of the Standing
                              Rules of the Senate, the Committee notes that no changes in exist-
                              ing law are made by H.R. 2156 as ordered reported.

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