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                              any recurring costs associated with managing any improvements at
                              the memorial would be incurred after 2023.
                                Enacting H.R. 2156 could affect direct spending by increasing do-
                              nations, which are treated as reductions in direct spending, and the
                              subsequent spending of those funds to construct a memorial; there-
                              fore, pay-as-you-go procedures apply. However, CBO estimates that
                              the net effect on direct spending would be negligible. Enacting the
                              legislation would not affect revenues.
                                CBO estimates that enacting H.R. 2156 would not increase net
                              direct spending or on budget deficits in any of the four consecutive
                              10-year periods beginning in 2029.
                                H.R. 2156 contains no intergovernmental or private-sector man-
                              dates as defined in the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act.
                                On July 6, 2017, CBO transmitted a cost estimate for H.R. 2156,
                              the Saint Francis Dam Disaster National Memorial Act, as ordered
                              reported by the House Committee on Natural Resources on June
                              27, 2017. The two versions of the legislation are similar, and CBO’s
                              estimates of their budgetary effects are the same.
                                The CBO staff contact for this estimate is Janani Shankaran.
                              The estimate was reviewed by H. Samuel Papenfuss, Deputy As-
                              sistant Director for Budget Analysis.
                                               REGULATORY IMPACT EVALUATION
                                In compliance with paragraph 11(b) of rule XXVI of the Standing
                              Rules of the Senate, the Committee makes the following evaluation
                              of the regulatory impact which would be incurred in carrying out
                              H.R. 2156. The Act is not a regulatory measure in the sense of im-
                              posing Government-established standards or significant economic
                              responsibilities on private individuals and businesses.
                                No personal information would be collected in administering the
                              program. Therefore, there would be no impact on personal privacy.
                                Little, if any, additional paperwork would result from the enact-
                              ment of H.R. 2156 as ordered reported.
                                            CONGRESSIONALLY DIRECTED SPENDING
                                H.R. 2156, as ordered reported, does not contain any congression-
                              ally directed spending items, limited tax benefits, or limited tariff
                              benefits as defined in rule XLIV of the Standing Rules of the Sen-
                                                 EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS
                                The testimony provided by the Department of the Interior at the
                              August 15, 2018, hearing on S. 1926 and H.R. 2156 follows:

                                  STATEMENT OF P. DANIEL SMITH, DEPUTY DIRECTOR, EXER-
                                    CISING THE AUTHORITY OF THE DIRECTOR, NATIONAL
                                    PARK SERVICE, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR
                                    Chairman Daines, Ranking Member King, and members
                                  of the Subcommittee, thank you for the opportunity to
                                  present the views of the Department of the Interior on S.
                                  1926 and H.R. 2156, bills to establish a national memorial
                                  and national monument to commemorate those killed by
                                  the collapse of the Saint Francis Dam on March 12, 1928,
                                  and for other purposes.

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