Page 10 - laco_castaiclake111869
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14}  011 /05S
          08/28/2003  2:31  FAX
                                                                                  ,r  !ilh"\J.J.  l,.;UUill'x  J,1,;t·

                          use  nnd  occu11~ncy  of  s .. 1id  propcx ty  o:  nny  por; tion  thcri:!of,  with-

                          out:  the  w.rict:cn  cort5cnt  of  ST.r\'Xr:   firs::  had  a.n.1  out~inci:l ..

                                 Hi.   Notices  desired  oi:  rccluirad  to  'be  given  hcrcumlcx  or

                          under  any  L1w  no~v  or  hcrco.ft:cr:  in  effect  mny,  at  tha  option  of

                          the  patty  giving  same,  be  given  by  enclosing  the  samo  inn  sc~lcd

                          envelope  addressed  to  the  p!lrt:y  for  whom  intended  c!nci  by  dcpo!iit-

                          ing  said  envelope  1  with  post'1g,c  prepaid,  certified  \./ith  re turn

                          tccaipt  tiqucstcd,  in  tho  United  St~ccs  Post  Offi~c  or  any  sub-

                          Stiltion  thereof,

                                 In  th~  event  such  notice  is  b~ing  given  to  COUNTYJ  such

                          notice  and  thn  envelope  c~mt:ainin~  the  snnm  shall  ba  o.dd:rcsscd  to

                          tha  County  of  Los  Angeles,  Dopa:ctmc.nt  of  Parks  antl  Recxco. tion.,
                          155  Hast  Washington  Jloulcvttrd,  Los  Angeles,  C.nlifornin  ~0015,  m:

                          such  other  pla~e-·ns  may ·b12  d~siin.:itad  in  t·1rit:ing  by  or  on  behalf

                          of  COUNTY;  a~d  in  the  ovcnt ,thac  said  notice  is  being  sent  to

                          STATE,  said  notice  and  the  envelop~  containing  the  sa.rc~  sh.:il"l  be

                          addressed  to.the  Oepnttment  of  Parks  antl  Rccr~ation,  P.O.

                          Box  2390 1  Sacrnmento,  C2lifornia  95811.

                                 15.  This  ins tru1ricn t  J.nd  the  c ovcn~m ts,  con,titi ons  nnd  lir.i.i tJ.-

                          tions  thcrco..1;  shall  in~rc  to  t:hc  benefit  of,  and  bind  the?  raspccti\'

                          successors  and  3Ssigns  of  the  parties  hereto.

                               · 16.  The  Fnii:  EQp loyr:icn t:  Pr t1c ticc 5  Aclci.cnclum  std.  form  3  (£,, / 65)

                          ,1tt:ichcd  hC!rcto  us  E:~hibit  D  11  ,  is  incorpor~tcd  herein  f.~r  :ill
                          purposc3  nnd  made  a  part  hereof  and  for  the  purpo!:;CS  of  this

                          nr.;rcc~cnt  the  tcr:11  "cor.trnctor  .in  said  form  3  (ll/G5)  sbi:ill  11:1,;ri..1\

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