Page 9 - laco_castaiclake111869
P. 9

08/28/2003  2:31  FAX                                                                          ~010/058

                                              ,all  rcqt1c!:;t  a  jury  .:ippoi: ...   1-=:1cnt.

                                12.  This  ~BrC!cment  m;;:ly  be  cancu llc<l  by  STATJ~  for  the

                         material  brcnch  by  CCUNl'Y  of  nny  of  the  tcl.:mG  of  thi:,  ns;r:cc,acnt:

                         upon  giving  ptopcr  no~icc  as  provided  in  P~rngrnph  14  herein.

                         ln  that  evr.;nt,  STATE  shall  hovo  .recourse  to  those  .remedies

                         enurnctated  in  Par~gtaph  9.  This  agreement  may  be  c~nccllcd  by

                         COUNTY  upon  giving  proper  notice  as  provided  in  P~ragraph  14

                         he?rcin  for:  the  mnteri.:i.l  breach  by  STATE  of  nny  of  thn  terms  of

                         this  ~grecmcnt  and  for  any  acts  oi;  or.ii.~sion~  by  STATE  or  occutrenc,

                         bayoncl  t:ha  control  of  COUNTY  which  render  it  impossible  to  cau:y

                         out:  the  purposcn  of  the  St~te  Park  System  o:r:  th~  C~Stil.ic  Lake

                         Recre~tion  Pl:m.  'In  addition,  either  party  may  cancel  this

                         agte~mcnt  in  the  event  of  a  material  breech  of  tha  terms  and

                         conditions  set  forth  in  that  ccttain  agreament  designating  tha

                         ellow.:tblc  \Mt:cr  level  vai: iations  in  Cas to.ic  L:...kc >  which ·in

                         attached,  hatet:o  as  Exhibit  c     11  •
                                ln  the  event  of  cnnccllation  by  COUNTY  for  breach  by  STATE

                          or  acts,  omissions  or  occurrences  within  control  of  the  STATE,

                         ST/\TE  shall  rt!imbur: se  comJTY  for  those  ir.1provcme.nts  cons tructc<l,

                         on  said  property  by  COUNTY  (excluding  ii.lptoi.,amcnts  crc.cttld  ;,1ith

                         STATE  funds  specifically  appropriated  for  said  improvement~  or

                         funds  ~crivcd  from  tht  operation  of  concessions~  spc~ial  sctvicoo ·

                         and  rcci:cntionol  facilities  on  property)  in  :.,:~  J.rnount  ccp.JJl

                          to  the  cost  of  construction  of  sni<l  improvements  less  c!cp.rccint.ion

                         on  n  sttnight  line  bl!Si!.;  c.:.::i.lcul~1tc:d  in  ~ccord~ncc  with  li.cvcouc

                         Procedure  62-21,  Guidclincs.nnd  Rules  for  Dcprccintion  publi~hcd

                         by  th~  u Is I  Tl'.c,;,::;ury  Dcp.:u: tmcnt '·- Intci:n:il  P..e:vcn.uc  Sc:r:vicc.

                                13.  l'hif;  ~q:;rccmcnt  ~holl  not,• 1101;  sh:ill  ~l\}'  i~1tc1.-c!}C  ~hcrci.i~
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