Page 7 - laco_castaiclake111869
P. 7

08/28/2003  2:30  FAX                                                                          ~ 008/058

                       1     specif ic.:i tl.vl\5  therefor  in  accord'1ncc'l  the  Cas t:aic  L:1kc

                       2     Recreation  PLrn  shall  be  submHtccl  by  COutlTY  to  S"l'ATH,  [or
                       3     approva_l.  Any  such  da.veloprllen t:,  co11s truction  or  improve2ment

                             shnll  only  be  accomplished  pursu.:int  to  such  approved  plans  and

                       s     spccific.:itions.

                       6           8 •.  Nob~ithst~nding  the  provisions  of  paragraphs  6  arid  7,

                       7     neither  STATE  nor  COUNTY  shall  be  oblig.1.tcd  to  perform  the.  c.npita

                       B     improvements  specified  therein  until  sufficient  funds  arc  made
                       9     available  ~hcrcfor.

                      :o           9.  Fixtures  anq  perm.1nent  improvcmrmts  erected  on  ~riid

                      ::  1   property  by  COUNTY  shall  become.  nt  once  a  part  of  the  realty  and

                      :2     bolong  to ·STATE,  except  that  COUNTY  upon  ~ancello.tion  of  thi!J
                      ~ 3    agrec.111cnt  by  STATE  mu.y,  at  its  option,  rcmovo  any  or  all improva-

                      : 4    m~nts,  equipm~nt  and  personal  property plnccd  on  said·p~o~crty  by
                      :s     COilla'Y  (c~c.luding  improvements  erected with STATE  funds  specific::-...

                      '.  G   ly  app~opriatcd  for  said  improvements  or  funds  darived  from  tltc

                       1     operation  of  concession~,  special  services  and  recrc~tion~l  facil.
                       s     ties  on  said  property),  provided  it givc.s  STATE  notica  promptly

                      : 9    that  it desires  to do  so,  and  provided  th.:tt:  said  removal  shall  be:
                      :o     accomplished  by  COUNTY  within ninecy  (90)  clays  aftar  the  tGrminn-

                      : 1    tion  of  this  agrC1C!JI1.ent,   If  longer  than  nine t:y  (90)  cllys  is

                             required  for  actu~l  removal,  such  removal  fflElY  still be  ro~<lc  pro-

                      : 3    vided  it has  been  com.-ncnccd  promptly  and  is  carried  on  with  due

                      : 4    diligence.  Upon  removnl,  titla  to  the  property  so  removed  shall
                      '.  s   vcs t  in  COUNTY.   Any  !'emoval  authoriz~d  hereunder  sh.:ill  be  nude

                     : 6     without  d..'lmgc  to  property  m-mcd  by  the  STATE  o.nd  if  ~nid  propcrt·
                     : ;     is  d:i.n\J.~ed  by  such  removal,  COtr·!T:l  shnll  rci.ruburGc  STATE  the?.rcfo:::

                      :s     or  sllo.11  repair  the  property  so  cl.11\!.J.gcd  .:it  the  Oi)tion  of  COU!lTY.

                            Aftcl."  removal,  the  premfocs  sb.:ill  be  left:  fJ:cc  ;ind  clear  of  all

                     : 0     debris  and  in  n  condition  i·c..-1~onably  to  the  condition  of
                             snid  property  as  of  the  date  Ll1is  agreement  w~s  entered  into.

                                   10.    If saicl  propcl.·ty  ox:  ;lny  portion  thereof  is  t:tI~cn  by
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12