Page 6 - laco_castaiclake111869
P. 6

~ 007 /058
          08/28/2003  2:30  FAX

                       1            a.  Ca      ic  llitl&c.

                                    b.   Cns t:aic  C.:myon.

                       3            c.  Overlook  Boat  ~mp  as  1969-1970  appi:opi:io.tiollS  may  pcrtti
                       4            d.  Offsito  Se~crs~

                       s            e.  Tulll.  Point~  cxclusiv~  of  landscilping.

                       6            £.  Vista  Ritlgc     exclusive  of  landsc~ping.
                       7     STATE  shall  diligently  pursue  the  financial  authorization  to  ~kc

                       8     said  irnpl:'ovcments  in  accordance  with  the  Davis-Dolwig  Act.           Upo~
                       9     completion  by  STATE  ~aid  improvements  shall  bG  turned  over  to

                      :o     COUNTY  for  ·op~ration,  maintenance  .nnd  control  in  conforrr.ity  \•:ith

                      : 1    this  clgrecmun t.  Revis ions  to  tho  Cas t~ic  Lakci  Recrca tion  Plnn
                             may  be  made  by  the  £ilutual  w·r:ittcn  ngrcem~nt  of  STATE  and  COUNTi.,

                                    7.,  com,TY  ::;hall  be  responsibl~  for  malting  tho  following

                             cnpital  improvements  as  sh~m  in  the  Cnstaic  Lnke  Recreation.  Plan

                      l 5    and  nny  other  itnprovcrn{?nts  STATE  and  COUlITX  may  ln ter  as=~e  to  in

                      1 S    ~-;:riting:   · .-

                                    a,  Ove:rloo~~  Boat  Ramp  ,  exclusive  of  1969-1970  ST.ATE

                                    b.  Downs cr~am  Pool.

                      2)            c.  Ball  Point  (landscaping  o~ly).
                                                                                                                .  .
                      2:            d.  ,Vista  Ridge  (landsc~ping  only).
                                    e.  Sharon's  R~st.

                                    f.  Elderberry Mesa.

                      2:            g.  Necktie  Canyon.

                                    h.   Bunny  He:ido-:-1.

                                    i,  Done  Ci:cak.

                      2             j.  Elizabeth  Lake  C~nyon.
                                    k ..   Dry  Creek.

                                    1.  Ta.ylor  Ai;ca.

                      3f     COillffY  sbnll  <lilicently  pm:r;uc.  the  fin~ncinl  a~n:hoi.~j,:~:1:.:iou  co

                      3:     rnakc  Silid  improvements..     IlC!forc- '1ny  work  for  dc.vcloptt!Cllt,  co:11 c::u:·

                             tion  o~  improvement  cha 11  be  cont1!C!nccd  by  com~r.{,  p lon::;  and
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11