Page 8 - newhallfirstpresbyterian100years
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feeling  of welcome.  This  hos  led  them  to  return  ond  become  o  port
            of our fellowship.

                   We  houe  been  blessed  ouer the  yeors  by  the  mony  speciol  men
            who houe serued this Church os Pastor.  In the eorly ye ors there were
            mony ... some  seruing  only  o  year or  so.  For the  past  23  years,  Reu.
            Robert  Bingham  has  been  our  Pastor,  our  lender,  our  teacher,  our
            friend  and  yes  euen  our mentor.  He  has  serued  this congregation for
            almost  one  fourth  of  the  100  years.  Under  his  guidance  we  haue
            grown  from  a  church  in  a  sleepy  little uilloge  to  o  thriuing  church  in
            our own  city  witnessing  to Jesus  Christ  and  by  being  good  stewords
            of our resources.

                   And  now  as  we  celebrate  the  Centennial  of First  Presbyterian
            Church  of Newhall, we  come  with  a  feeling  of joy and  anticipation  of
            what  is  yet  to  come.  Thank  you  to  the  Centennial  Committee  (Bruce
            Carey,  Marilyn  Chase,  Jim  Didrickson,  Don  Johnston, Joe  Kern,  Myra
            Moore, Les Tonner, Nancy  Young  and  Reu.  Bingham)  who haue  worked
            long  ond hard to make the celebration of our Christian Heritage such  a

                   With the  faith of this congregation and  the guidonce of our Lord,
            Jesus Christ, we striue forward toward our 200th year.

                   God  Bless us  all!


                                                                      J-snet Macey
                                                                      Centennial Chairman

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