Page 11 - newhallfirstpresbyterian100years
P. 11

creation itself," not just the Church, "will be set free from its
       bondage to decay and obtain the glorious liberty of the children of
       God." (Romans 8:21)  In the Lord's Prayer we pray that the will of God
       might be done on earth, euen as it is in heauen.  Surely our Lord would
       not haue encouraged us to pray an impossible prayer.  Meanwhile, we
       work as if the future we enuision is possible.  In this confidence, ouer
       the  1 00  years of faithful witness of this congregation, assured by
       present realizations, we dare to long for the future that God  is
       bringing to us.  We  are called to liue in faith and hope euen as  did
       those  16 members of 1891, because there is more to come.  There
       always is.  Our role is  to wait  for it with faith, to watch for it, and
       to work for it.  "Here and now, dear friends, we are God's children;
       and what we shall be has not yet been disclosed."

                           Establish us, O God,  in the hope that belong to faith,
              Get  us off our knees and on our toes in eager anticipation of
                          the new that is euen breaking in upon us.
                Thy  kingdom come, 0 Lord, Thy  kingdom come through us.

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