Page 29 - skylineranch122016
P. 29


                                          DEPARTiWENT OF PUBLIC \YORKS

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                   September 18, 2008

                  Mr. Daryl J. Zerfass
                  Austin-Foust Associales,  Inc.
                  2223 Wellington Bou'evard, Suite 300
                  Santa Ana, CA 92701-3161

                  Dear Mr. Zerfass:

                  SKYLINE RANCH
                  TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 60922
                  SANTA CLARITA AREA

                  As  requested,  we  have  reviewed  the  rev:sed  Traffic  Impact  Analysis  (TIA)  for  the
                  Skyline  Ranch  development (Tentative Tract No.  60922).  The  project site  is  generally
                  located  east of Sierra Highway between the Santa Clara River and Vasquez Canyon  in
                  the unincorporated County of Los Angeles area of Santa Clarita.

                  The proposed project consists of fhe  construction of 1,270 single-family residential  upits
                  and  an  BOO-student  elementary  school.     The  project  is  estimated  to  generate
                  approximately  13,121  vehicle  trips daily,  with  1,268  and  1,283 vehicle  trips  dunng  the
                  a.m.  and p.m.  peak hours, respectively.

                  We generally agree with  the  study  that certain  improvements  are  necessary to  provide
                  adequate  access  to  the  site.  The  following  recommended  improvements  shall  be  the
                  sole responsibility of the project:

                     •  Construct Skyline  Ranch Road between Plum Canyon Road and  Sierra  Highway
                         as a four-lane highway.

                     •  Construct  a  new  intersection  as  a  two-lane  roundabout  or as  a  conventional
                         signalized intersection at Skyline Ranch Road at Main Street North.

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