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Tesoro del Valle (Phases A, B, C)
                                                                                            Draft Supplemental EIR

               bulking and shrinkage and cut and fill volumes would balance on site. Remedial grading would
               also require an additional 2.7 mcy of cut and 2.7 mcy of fill. Project development would occur on
               a substantially smaller development footprint of approximately 393.6 acres.

               To implement the project, the project Applicant has requested approval of: (1) Revised VTTM
               51644-1; (2) Conditional Use Permit No. 200600210; (3) Oak Tree Permit No. 201000029; and
               (4) Discretionary Housing Permit No. RPPL 2017006739.

               The  proposed  Project  has  been  designed  to  remediate  environmental  hazards,  including
               geotechnical and hydrologic hazards. The proposed development provides for the establishment
               of  a  main  loop  roadway  and  series  of  interconnecting  roads.  The  Project  will  involve  the
               establishment of the necessary trunk lines and connections to provide water, sewer, gas, electric,
               cable, and telephone service to the proposed development. Consistent with prior approval, project
               implementation would involve site grading to enable development in this area.

               Extension of all utilities and some services to the project site will be necessary to accommodate
               project  implementation.  To  facilitate  the  provision  of  utilities  and  services,  annexation  to  the
               Castaic  Lake  Water  Agency  and  Newhall  County  Water  District  will  be  required  as  well  as
               connection to the City of Santa Clarita sewer system. Other approvals are required (i.e., 404
               Permit, 1603 Streambed Alteration Agreement, and 401 Certification) to authorize development
               that will affect resources under regulatory agency control.

               1.3.1  PROJECT ALTERNATIVES

               In accordance with Section 15126.6 of the State CEQA Guidelines, Section 6.0 of this SEIR
               addresses  alternatives  to  the  proposed  project.  Section  6.0  provides  descriptions  of  each
               alternative; a comparative analysis of the potential environmental effects of each alternative to
               those associated with the proposed project; and a discussion of each alternative’s ability to meet
               the project objectives. Following is a summary description of the alternatives evaluated in this
               SEIR. For a more detailed discussion of these alternatives and the relative impacts associated
               with each alternative compared to the proposed project, refer to Section 6.0, Alternatives. As
               required by CEQA, Section 6.0 also identifies alternatives considered but eliminated from detailed
               analysis and the environmentally superior alternative.

               Alternative  1  –  No  Project/No  Development.  The  No  Project/No  Development  Alternative
               assumes the retention of the site in its existing undeveloped condition. As described in Section
               3.0, Environmental Setting, the project site exists as undeveloped, naturally vegetated land. On-
               site  vegetation  types  include  alluvial  scrub,  chamise  chaparral–sage  scrub,  coast  live  oak
               woodland,  coast  live  oak  woodland/blue  elderberry  scrub,  coast  live  oak  woodland–holly-leaf
               cherry woodland, Fremont cottonwood woodland, holly-leaf cherry woodland, mixed chaparral–
               alluvial scrub/annual grassland, sage scrub, sage scrub/annual grassland, and southern riparian
               scrub. The site consists of moderately steep to steep terrain in the central and western portions
               of the property, leveling off toward the east along the broad alluvial bottom of San Francisquito
               Creek. The existing Phase A community would be the only portion of the Tesoro development to
               be implemented since Phase D is not a part of the Project. Therefore, the areas identified as
               Phases B and C and the unrecorded portion of Phase A would remain in the existing, undeveloped

               Alternative  2  –  1999  Vesting  Tract  Map.  Under  this  alternative,  the  project  site  would  be
               developed based on the original tract map design approved in 1999 (1999 tract map) in Phases
               B and C and the unrecorded portion of Phase A. The 1999 Vesting Tract Map Alternative would
               involve  the  development  of  239  single-family  residential  units  and  supporting  land  uses  on
               approximately 1,276.7 acres of undeveloped land and within a larger development footprint than

               R:\Projects\BLC\3BLC000100\Draft EIR\1.0 Exec Summary.docx   1-2                Executive Summary
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