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Tesoro del Valle (Phases A, B, C)
                                                                                            Draft Supplemental EIR

               the Project. This represents a reduction of 581 lots in Phases B and C and the unrecorded portion
               of Phase A when compared to the proposed project. Residential land uses were approved as

                     Unrecorded Portion of Phase A (12.5 acres) – 2 single-family units

                     Phase B (595.5 acres) – 122 single-family units
                     Phase C (668.7 acres) –115 single-family units

               Other approved land uses included a 4.3-acre fire station site in Phase B, a 9.9-acre park and
               35.3 acres of passive open space uses in Phase C, 61.5 acres of local str eets, utility infrastructure
               (water tank sites; water, sewer, and power lines), and approximately 516.8 acres of undisturbed
               open  space,  including  preservation  of  approximately  29  acres  of  SEA  lands  in  Phase  C.  An
               estimated total of 9.6 million cubic yards (mcy) each of cut and fill balanced on-site (approximately
               3.5 mcy in Phase B and 6.1 mcy in Phase C) was anticipated for implementation of Phases B and
               C as approved in 1999. Under this alternative, approximately 759.9 acres would be impacted
               through grading and earth disturbance associated with development and fuel modification areas
               within Phases B and C and the unrecorded portion of Phase A, as shown on Exhibit 4-2 as the
               1999 Plan Footprint.

               Alternative  3  –  Reduced  Development  Area  Alternative.  The  purpose  of  the  Reduced
               Development Area Alternative is to reduce significant aesthetic impacts and project traffic impacts
               that would occur with the proposed project by reducing the acreage and number of units proposed
               for  development.  Specifically,  the  Reduced  Development  Area  Alternative  would  involve
               development of 245 dwelling units which would be comprised of 132 single family homes and 113
               age-qualified senior housing, which would avoid significant and unavoidable traffic impacts. In
               order to accommodate the senior housing component of this alternative and in order to avoid
               aesthetic  impacts  associated  with  development  on  the  ridgelines,  development  would  be
               clustered  within  the  eastern  portion  of  the  project  site  from  an  extension  of  Avenida  Rancho
               Tesoro via a loop road connecting to Reyes Adobe Way as shown on Exhibit 6-3 in Section 6.0,
               Alternatives. Development would be limited to Area B and would not occur within Areas A and C.
               This alternative would produce a reduced development and resulting development footprint as
               compared to the proposed project and therefore, would result in less earthwork quantities and

               Alternative 4 – Modified 2012 Santa Clarita Valley Area Plan Alternative. The purpose of the
               Modified 2012 Santa Clarita Valley Area Plan Alternative is to illustrate what could be built on the
               project  site  based  on  the  density  authorized  by  the  current  Community  Plan  and  zoning
               ordinances, but without the addition of new significant impacts as noted previously in Section
               6.5.2.  As  discussed  previously,  the  2012  Santa  Clarita  Valley  Area  Plan  would  allow  for
               development  of  a  79.8-acre  area  in  Phase  B  and  a  322.7-acre  area  in  Phase  C.  However,
               development of the Phase C area would introduce new impacts related to air quality, biological
               resources, noise, and traffic; therefore, this alternative evaluates a modified version of what would
               be allowable under the 2012 Santa Clarita Valley Area Plan by limiting development to Phase B
               and avoiding the introduction of new impacts. The Project Site would be subject to the Castaic
               Community Services District and Hillside Management Areas (HMA) Ordinance, both of which
               would locate development outside of hillside management areas (HMAs) to the extent possible;
               locate  development  in  areas  with  the  fewest  hillside  constraints;  and  use  hillside  design
               techniques to guide design within the HMAs. According to the HMA Ordinance, development
               would be restricted in areas with 50 percent or greater natural slopes. Additionally, in compliance
               with the Castaic Area Community Standards District (CSD), development would avoid primary
               and secondary ridgelines. Therefore, with application of the restrictions for development identified
               in the HMA Ordinance and Castaic CSD, assuming an average of 5,000 square foot lots, and

               R:\Projects\BLC\3BLC000100\Draft EIR\1.0 Exec Summary.docx   1-3                Executive Summary
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