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Tesoro del Valle (Phases A, B, C)
                                                                                            Draft Supplemental EIR

                                        SECTION 1.0       EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

               1.1     INTRODUCTION

               The  California  Environmental  Quality  Act  (CEQA)  (California Public Resources Code,
               Sections 21000  et  seq.)  requires  that  lead  agencies  consider  the  potential  environmental
               consequences of projects over which they have discretionary approval authority prior to taking
               approval action on such projects. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is a public document
               designed to provide the lead, responsible and interested agencies; special districts; local and
               State  governmental  agency  decision  makers;  and  the  public  with  an  analysis  of  potential
               environmental consequences to support informed decision making.

               1.2     PROJECT LOCATION AND SETTING

               The Tesoro del Valle Phases A, B, and C project site is located in the eastern portion of the Santa
               Clarita  Valley,  adjacent  to  the  City  of  Santa  Clarita  within  the  unincorporated  County  of  Los
               Angeles (County). The project site is adjacent to, and northwesterly of, the mostly constructed
               Phase A of the Tesoro del Valle development, just north of Avenida Rancho Tesoro and west of
               Casa Luna Place.  The  Angeles  National  Forest  is  approximately  3,000  feet  north  of  the
               northernmost project boundary, and Castaic Lake is approximately two miles to the northwest.

               The Project site consists of undeveloped land with several dirt roads and fire breaks and four
               existing water tanks (on two graded pads) located within the Phase B area. The Metropolitan
               Water  District  of  Southern  California  (MWD)  aqueduct  tunnel  easement  is  located  several
               hundred feet below the ground surface and transects the westernmost extension of the Tesoro
               development in Phase B.

               The project site consists of moderately steep to steep terrain in the central, western, and northern
               portions  of  the  property,  leveling  off  toward  the  east  along  the  broad  alluvial  bottom  of  San
               Francisquito Creek. Elevations across the project site range from 1,932 feet above mean sea
               level (msl) along the central ridgeline to 1,200 feet above msl near the southern portion of San
               Francisquito Creek, for a total relief of 732 feet. The most prominent topographic feature is the
               northeast-trending  western  ridgeline  of  San  Francisquito  Canyon  that  roughly  transects
               the central portion of the project site. Portions of Wayside and Tapia Canyons, as well as several
               unnamed canyons and ridgelines, comprise the western portion of the site.

               Vegetation types present on the project site include, but are not limited to, alluvial scrub, chamise
               chaparral–sage scrub, coast live oak woodland, coast live oak woodland/blue elderberry scrub,
               coast live oak woodland–holly-leaf cherry woodland, Fremont cottonwood woodland, holly-leaf
               cherry  woodland,  mixed  chaparral–alluvial  scrub/annual  grassland,  sage  scrub,  sage
               scrub/annual grassland, and southern riparian scrub. Disturbed/developed areas (primarily fire
               roads) and unvegetated wash areas are also present on the project site.

               1.3     PROJECT DESCRIPTION

               The  proposed  Project  is  detailed  in  Section  4.0,  Project  Description,  of  this  Draft  SEIR.  The
               proposed Project involves the construction of 820 residential units, including 455 conventional
               single-family units and 365 age-qualified dwelling units; 19.1 acres of parks and other recreational
               amenities,  including  trails;  a  2.1-acre  helispot;  an  internal  circulation  system;  and  associated
               infrastructure and utility systems. Project site grading would require approximately 9.1 million
               cubic yards (mcy) of cut and 9.1 mcy of fill as shown on Exhibit 4-8, Cut and Fill Plan, which also
               includes  minor  grading  associated  with  off-site  improvements.  These  figures  are  inclusive  of

               R:\Projects\BLC\3BLC000100\Draft EIR\1.0 Exec Summary.docx   1-1                Executive Summary
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