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Tesoro del Valle (Phases A, B, C)
                                                                                            Draft Supplemental EIR

               As detailed in Table 2-2 of Section 2.0, Introduction, these issues are addressed throughout this
               Draft Supplemental EIR.


               Table 1-1 presents a summary of the environmental impacts resulting from implement of the
               proposed Tesoro del Valle (Phases A, B, C) project.

               For  each  environmental  topic,  Table  1-1  includes  applicable  mitigation  measures  that  are
               identified for impacts determined to be potentially significant. As shown in Table 1-1, the proposed
               project would result in less than significant impacts with implementation of MMs for the following
               topical areas evaluated in this Draft EIR:

                       Air Quality                                   Hydrology and Water Quality
                       Biological Resources                          Noise
                       Cultural Resources                            Public Services
                       Energy                                        Tribal Cultural Resources
                                                                      Utilities and Service Systems

               As  described  below,  significant  and  unavoidable  aesthetics  and  transportation/traffic  impacts
               resulting  from  the  proposed  project  are  identified  in  this  Draft  SEIR.  Because  unavoidable
               significant adverse impacts would result from the project, the  County, as Lead Agency, must
               prepare a “Statement of Overriding Considerations” before it can approve the project. A Statement
               of Overriding Considerations states that the decision-making body has balanced the benefits of
               the proposed project against its unavoidable significant environmental effects and has determined
               that the benefits of the project outweigh the adverse effects and, therefore, the adverse effects
               are considered to be acceptable. A summary of the significant and unavoidable impacts of the
               project is included below.

                     Aesthetics.  The  Project  would  result  in  a  reduction  of  grading  footprint,  however  the
                       alterations to the ridgeline as shown in Viewpoints 4, 6, 7, and 8 would continue to result
                       in significant and unavoidable impacts to the aesthetic/visual character of the Project site.

                     Transportation/Traffic. The proposed Project would result in significant and unavoidable
                       impacts at the following intersections:
                          o  The Old Road and I-5 southbound ramps. Existing With Project (PM peak hour)
                              and Future Cumulative With Project (AM and PM peak hours)

                          o  The Old Road and Rye Canyon Road. Future Cumulative With Project (PM peak

                          o  The Old Road and Magic Mountain Parkway. Future Cumulative With Project
                              (PM peak hour)

                          o  I-5 southbound ramps and Magic Mountain Parkway. Future Cumulative With
                              Project (AM and PM peak hours).

                          o  Copper Hill Drive and Decoro Drive. Future Cumulative With Project (AM and
                              PM peak hours)

                          o  Tesoro Del Valle-Rio Norte Drive/Copper Hill Drive. Existing With Project and
                              Future Cumulative With Project (AM and PM peak hours)

               R:\Projects\BLC\3BLC000100\Draft EIR\1.0 Exec Summary.docx   1-5                Executive Summary
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