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Grand  List  Of  Prizes

               Honored  Guests:

                   We  welcome you  to  this event.

                  Over  the  past  few  years,  we  have  become  increasingly aware that
               a  gentleman  is  no  longer  able  to  enjoy  himself properly in this self-
               defeating  environment.         With  our  ticky-tacky,  pre-fabricated  houses
               crowded  against  each  other  and  our freeways  cluttered  with cars and
               paled  with  smog,  there  are  few  ways  for  the noble among us  to pursue
                the  amenities      of  life  which  we  deserve.  Understand  that one has need
                to  escape  occasionally,  taking  off  in  a  hot-air  balloon,  or allowing
               himself to  be  serenaded  by maestros,  or spoiling himself with a  gourmet
               creation  in  Victorian  splendor.

                  We  have  decided  that  in  return  for  your  contributions  to our cause,
               we  would  repay  you  in  the  manner  you  rightfully deserve.  We  offer
               here some of the  necessities  of life and for your Pleasure.

                  Read  on,  enjoy yourselves,  and  happy bidding!

                                                                1.  A  COCKTAIL  NAMED  IN  YOUR
                                                                   An  exotic cockta i I concocted and
                                                                   then  named  in  your  honor  by
                                                                   Bobby  Batugo,  one  of  Southern
                                                                   California's  most famous  "mix-
                                                                   ologist", at Tip's Valencia. He'll
                                                                   mix     it,  serve  it  to  you,  and
                                                                   take  a  picture  of  you  and  your
                                                                   girl  to  be  placed  forever  in his
                                                                   hal I of fame of celebrities.

                                                                2.  A  MONTH'S  SUPPLY  OF  BIG
                                                                   BOY  HAMBURGERS.

                                                                   Twenty-five  dollars        worth  of
                                                                   coupons  to  spend  as  you  wish
                                                                   at  Bob's  new  Big  Boy  restau-
                                                                   rant  in  Valencia.

               A  chance  to  do  the  perfect  commercial.  Write,  direct and produce a one-
               minute  spot  for  your  own  product.  It' II  appear on  the air throughout Newhall
               and  Valencia over VCCT-TV,  channel  6.

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