Page 18 - vhs2002yearbook
P. 18

7.  Scooby  want
                                                     a  scooby  snack?
                                                     Doug  Bierend  as
                                                     Shaggy  cuddles
                                                     with  man's  best
                                                     friend.  8.  Intro-
                                                     ducing  our  new
                                                     flaming  Jack.
                                                     We  don't  know
                                                     jack.  9.  M & M's.
                                                     Amanda  Quillen
                                                     and     Jessica
                                                     Burzlaff  pose  as  Madonna  and  Marolyn  Manroe.
                                                      I 0.  Hocus  Pocus.  Eleonora  Guardini  becomes
                                                     the  Wicked  Witch  of the  West's  new  sidekick.
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