Page 16 - sfdcoronersinquest
P. 16

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           1             A.     He  aid     the water was  muddy and it .,,..  a  new leak.

            2                    in.  difference did it make  if             the water wasmuddy?

            3                    'l!hat  is an indication -- it is taken as a very bad characteristic

            4                     of a  leak     through the earth anywheres.It meansthat

            5     the earth  is cutting, but  there was  no  earth coming                    from underthe

            6     dam.      !fbe  earth, as  I  say, camefftnt  that side hiil cut.

            7            Q,      That leak seemed  to  oome  through the soft dirtof a road



          10             A       It was  visibly      doing  so.

          11                    was  no·t  all the  west side  saturated?

          12                     It was.


          14      fore  this occurred?

          15             A      Yes, the  road we had there wasa bad road becauseit                          had

          a       a very    sharp crook in it.             We were all of sixmonths in changing

          1       the line of the road.

          18             Q      You  werenot changingthe line of the roadbecause the

                  ground 1fa8  too wet  there?

           20            A      No, I  have been up  and          downit and the         ground wasdamp

           21     there, but that  was  all.            No, sir, that had nothing           to dowith the

           22     changing of the road.            Thechanging        of the road wasdue to tit•
                  greater convenience in getting up to the dam.

           24            Q.      When  you saw the  dam  last MonlaF did 11 occur                  to you

           25     that it was  in danger?

                         A.      No, sir, it never occurred to me that it was  in danger.

                  I  just wanted to see the new leak,                naturally.

                         Q.      Can  you account       for this dam going out?

                         A       I  surelywould like to.             I would    like to be ableto say

                  in what manner it went  out, wb.Y  it fell.

                         Q.      By Mr. Scott:          Mr. Mulholland,        the leak that J'OU  speak

           \      of is on the west         side   aawayfrom      the main «.m  structure?

                         A      yes.

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