Page 17 - sfdcoronersinquest
P. 17

                          Q.     It is right  when  the  roadwas  built and wherethere  is
                  partof the  roadwaahG4.  out  because               of that leak, is that whatyou
           3      are referring        to?

                          A      Thelast leak made a gashacross                  the road, yes.         The
                  leak that wasalwaysthere and which we  --- TonyHarnischfeger's

           6      house was on a superinducedleak, a determinedleak.                              Thatis
                  one of the leaks that usually occurin damsby leading thepressure

           8                                                                         andrelieve the dam
                  water, which we always expect, under the dam,
           9      of that much weight.            There are a common  and that wateris

                  let out to relieve that pressure                that, in this case, wasless thaa
         11       it is usually in dams.             I  have one dam wherethat water amounts                   to

                  four or five inches.            I  have seendams where it amounted                 to thirty
                  or forty inches.            It is the upthrusting water ft'Gla  tll!t  deeply cut
                  formatino where the dam is set, and is on.17  let up throughthe pipes
                  andled  through  the  dam  away           to one side.          We  used that waterbecause
         16  it was  sweet  and clear,  and piped it down to  the house.

         17       That water amounted to perhaps one  or  'two  miners inches, and it

                  wasright close to this place.
                          Q.     Thatwas not in the  canyonitself, that was up to the
         20       west end of the main structure?

          21              A      It was the west end of the main structure and a little

          22      away    from  the  &urt.  but  it was  not a great waysfrom ti. dam. It

                  was  fifty     feet.     Thepiping was  let down  to            the bank  there andwe

          24      usedthe water at the house.                  We  did that from  the .,,.-, first.
                          Q.     \lha.t  do you estimate,       Mr. Mulholland, that the amountof

          26      waterwaswhich was  seeping or leaking from thedam?
          27             A       Up to  the  time  that  this greater leak developedwe  have

          28      the  whole record  on all of  them.                It is a  daily record because
          29      it is observedall the time  and  reported                   on occasions.          We havea

                  "V''  weirto measure         the  l&aJtage  fromboth sides,and all sides,
          31      and a little       "V" weir, and that *1IOWlhl. at the  very mosdtto five

          32      miners inches andthe average wasaboutfour inches,                            depending
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