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back  cariyons,  which  could never  have ...  it  was  only  good  for
                       ·cattle.     And  now  you  can  plant  on  the  hills,  and  each  little
                       tree  has  its  own  little  spigot.
                SL:    Now  you  say "we."         Is  part  of  this  property  in  back  capyons?

                SRL:  Yes.  My  sister  Boo  and  I,  and  my  nephew  Mike,  who  represents
                       his  part  inherited  from  my  older  sister,  are  the  Management
                       Committee.  We do  not  micro-manage·,  we  make the  big  decisions
                       the  long-range  planning,  etc.  etc.  so ...  And  I'm  the  one  who
                       is  closest  to  it.        I  keep  them  weil  informed  and  we  do  meet
                       two  or  three  times  a  year,  but- I'm  here  every  week.

               SL:.  This  is  approximately  2000  acres?

                SRL:  It's  1800,  around 1800.             It  was  about  2000  when  Dad bought
              it,            but   among o th er things,       -h he donated that land         that's just         -
                       across  Piru Creek  here,  that's  the  settling  ponds?                    That  was
                       part of  Camulos,  and  he  donated           -that  land  for  the  settling
                       ponds,  to  increase  the  water  table.

               SL:     But  you  own  the  land  across  the highway,  across 126.

               SRL:  Yes.       Roughly  to  the  top  of  the  first  hills,  and the center
                       of  the  river.

               SL:    And  that  includes  the  railroad  track,  and  the  cemetery,  and
                       some  small  houses  over  there.

               SRL:  Yes.

               CT:    And  who  will.-..  forgive  me  for  asking,  but  I  have  to.                 Who
                      will  succeed  the three  of  you?

               SRL:  Well,  the  next  generation.              Ann  will  succeed  me,  one  of
                      Boo's  four  sons, Kevin  Trefzger,  who  lives  right  now  with
                      his  family  in  the  city  of  Orange,  in  Orange  Cou_nty,  he's
                      been  groomed.         He's  been  coming  to  the  meetings,  going  over
                      the  financial  statements,  and  any  of  the  problems  we.  have,
                      so he's  ready  to  step  in.           And  my  sister,  of  course,  her
                      son,  he's  that  generation,  the  next  one  down,  Michael  Blatt.

               CT:    He's  the  only ...  I  know  this  doesn't  have  a  whole  lot  to  do,
                      we're  skipping  here ...  is  the  only  thing  that  Michael  Blatt
                      disagrees  with  is  the  development  of  the  forty  acres  that
                      has  to  do  with  the  Museum?           The  rest  of  the  issues  you  guys
                      adhere  to,  management-wise?
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