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However, smce the second bout, beaten by Quarry. That's why Howard Cosell (in my opinion) doesn't
Jerry hasn't lost a bout and has des- Foreman's avoiding him . Jerry has like the idea of blacks liking whites or
troyed everyone in his way. Quarry is taken two very · promising heavy- vice versa and keeps edging it on until
28 years old and Ali can't compare in weights, Lyle and Shavers, and forced · he gets something going.
punching power to Quarry. So what them to take wide detours on their Congratulations Muhammad Ali.
Frazier started, Jerry will finish. Jerry way to the title. Everyone knows who is the best man
knows he has to win and with that Q4arry is still young, only 28, and he between you and Joe Frazier.
amazing counter-punching will des- · has a lot of years ahead of him. Also, MARY HELSEL
' \
troy Ali forever. (Juarry is one of the only top Lake City, Mich.
Jerry Quarry is the best heavyweight contenders who has never dodged an ·
in the world. He's the greatest! 0pponent..Jerry Quarry is the greatest!
THOMAS J. POLACK Ludlow, Mass.
Clinton, Mass.
Jerry Quarry is going to be champ A lot of people might think -I don't
before too long. ·know what I'm talking about because
Now he is a( the height of his career. I'm a female. But one thing we all have
He can beat any fighter today. Joe to agree with is that Ali whupped
Frazier would be a good fight, but it Frazier good and proper this time.
would end as a victory for Quarry. The All the old greats like Louis; Mar-
same goes for . Muhammad Ali and ciano, Dempsey, Sugar Ray Robin-
Ken Norton. Ali was never a big pun- son, Baer, Walcott and Schmeling
cher, now he has even less' of a punch. would never stand up to the
Ken Norton is a hard hitter, but heavyweights of today.'
against the counter-punching Quarry - Ali, with his fast moves, quick pun-
he would have no chance. ches, and new tactics, in my opinion
He came out dancing on his toes:
just like he said he would be.
And Joe Frazier getting hit by all
Ali's blqws was thinking "This couldn't
be happening to me."
· But Muhammad kept ,throwing
those jabs, for he knew, Joe he could
Frazier came · out smokin', ·but Ali
snuffed out his smokin' like a mat-
chstick. ·
J'oe was hit so many times he
thought he was in a storm ,of hail.
I'm surprised Ali wasn't charged
with · manslaughter and thrown into
Frazier became desperate and
started to swing wild.
But Ali danced safely away, while
Gil Clancy laces Jerry Quarry's gloves during a training session. Angelo Du nd ee juS smiled.
Most fans believe Clancy has turned Jerry into a new man and quit~ Frazier needed a knockout in order
a few feel Muhammad Ali is avoiding .a third confrontation with him. to win,
As Quarry p~oved in his ·past fights would score a knockout of any of these However, Al_i had is bout, to lose it
this year, he's a helluva fighter with a· greats within three rounds. And would be a sin.
· F · 1 · If you're up on even_ts,
big punch. Under the guidance of Gil . oreman with al his power - al-
Clancy, and with all of his personal though I don't consider him fast - Muhammad Ali is th e lateSL ,
troubles gone, Quarry has turned from i if he ever connected with any of the · A nd if ,you know your boxing
Muhammad Ali was ~ and still
a good fighter to the great fighter he is old greqts, they'd never make the
now. He }Jas always had the skills next bell. is -- th ~ greateS !
needed to become champion, and now, 1 don't · think Ali is prejudiced ACE CACCH IOTTI
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with Clancy, he's using those skills. against whites - I'm white - and I Cran n, R.I.
George Foreman would also be think he likes all people the same. ·(Continued ,on page 45)
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