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northwestern  corner  of              Lot  21  of  Tract  1059  from         Franklin      K.

             Naylor.        This    \         was  located  adjacent  to  a  50'  x           125'     lat

             that  already  had          been    selected  as  the  site  of          a   U.S.     forest

             ranger  station  office  near  the           street  and  a  ranger  residence  and
             garage  in  the  rear.        When  the  ranger  residence  finally             was   built,

             Hart  claimed  that  part  of  the  structure                   was    located  on        his

             property  and  offered  to  trade  another  piece of  his land for the

             lot.      The  offer was rejected,            however,       and  the  U.S.  government

             parcel  became  a        peninsula  when  Hart  acquired  the  land  around  it.

             The  remainder  of  Lot  21  (which  by  then  had  only  a  20'  frontage an

             Newhall  Avenue)       was   kept  fpr:  the  time by  Naylor,          who  had  a  small

             frame    house  in  the middle        of the  lot.

                                2.    Land  for  the  Retirement Residence.

                    Once  Hart  decided  to settle  permanently  in  Newhall,                    he  made

            plans      to  build  a  retirement  residence  and                 support  buildings.

             From  1925  to  1927-he  attempted  to  purchase  all  available  land
             surrounding  the  hill  upon  which  his  mansion               was built  in  order  to

             provide  seclusion  from  the  outside             world  and  .wide  open  spaces  for
             his  ranch.        The  property  he acquired          during these       years    included

             a  vast  hilly  tract  along the  western  extremity  of  the  ranch,                     and
             the    land     surrounding        the  ranger        station      (see  Map      2:      the

             previously  existing  Hart  property  is outlined  in  blue;                       the  new

            acquisitions        are  outlined  in red).

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