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                   ¥111.          MMT&L  ABILITY  OF  THE  PUPILS.........................             161

                                     Purpose  of  th e  ch apter*• . . . . . ...........               161

                                      D e fin itio n   o f  in te llig e n c e * *  ..........         161

                                      In te llig e n c e   te s ts   used *********............        163

                                     C la s s ific a tio n   o f  In te llig e n c e   q u o tien ts   164

                                     R esu lts  of  th e  in te llig e n c e   t e s t s * . . . .     166

                                     Summary  and  conclusion. .***......................              188

                      IX.         CURRICULA  AND  TIMS  ALLOTMENT.............                         197

                                     Aim  of  e d u c a tio n .                     • • • • • • • •    197

                                     Purpose  of  th e   ch a p te r......................             198

                                     S ta tu te   su b je c ts  and  th e ir   tim e  a l l o t ­

                                     ment • * ••* .................                     • * ...        198

                                     The  Los  Angeles  County  Course  of  Study                      199
                                     Time  allo tm en ts  of  su b jects  o f  schools

                                     w ithin  th e  group                                              £03

                                     H ealth  program ....................                             £13

                                     Graduation  re q u irem en ts.  ...........................       333

                                     Summary  and  co n clu sio n s...................                 334

                        X.        ADMINISTRATION.   ...................................................   337

                                     Purpose  of  the  ch a p te r.................................    337

                                     The  boards  of  t r u s t e e s .  .............                 338

                                     M eetings  of  th e  b o ard s.................                   339

                                     County  a d m in istra tio n              .......................   330

                                     L ibrary   se rv ic e                        ............... .    331

                                     Attendance  In  average  d a ily   attendance                     333

                                     Records  and  re p o rts ...................                      333

                                      Insurance            .....................                       335
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