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                HIGHWAY REALIGNMENT RPPL2016004512
                FINDINGS                                                                             Page 3

                19.    The Hearing Officer finds that the requested adjustments to the configuration of lots
                       is  acceptable  in  that  it  is  a  reduction  in  overall  lots  by  40  fewer  single-family
                       residence lots and 375 fewer total lots.

                20.    The  Hearing  Officer  finds  that  the  requested  substitution  of  384  single-family
                       residence  lots with  four multi-family residence  lots  developed  with  344 detached,
                       single-family residence condominium  units is  in  keeping  with  providing  residential
                       uses at a maximum density of 2 dwelling units per 1 acre in the H2 category and in
                       this density-controlled development that promotes clustering;  retains topographical
                       features  and  resources  in  order to  preserve  open  space  for  protection  of these
                       natural features;  provides  recreational  amenities;  and  all  proposed  residential  lots
                       meet the minimum lot size requirements.

                21.    The  Hearing  Officer finds  that  the  requested  relocation  of the  public  school,  the
                       public  park  and  private  recreation  and  park  lots  are  acceptable  as  the  changes
                       exceed the requirements for adequate park space and facilities to  serve  residents
                       as  required  by  State  law  and  provides  for public  health  and  quality of life.  The
                       Hearing  Officer further finds that these lots will  provide  recreational  and  aesthetic
                       benefits  as well  as  increased  environmental  quality through  maintenance of open
                       space,  permeable land area for surface water infiltration and percolation, trees and
                       vegetation for habitat, and the economic benefits of increased property values.

                22.    The  Hearing  Officer finds that the  requested  alterations to  private  drives  and  fire
                       lanes, street locations and realignment of Skyline Ranch Road is consistent with the
                       reconfiguration of lots and ensures that the proposed design conveys vehicles and
                       pedestrians  through  the  area  at  acceptable  service  levels  at  build-out  of  the
                       development.  The  realignment eliminates a significant amount of grading,  aids  in
                       clustering  which  preserves  more  open  space,  and  does  not  create  new
                       environmental impacts.

                23.    The  Hearing  Officer finds  that the  elimination  of a  proposed  pedestrian  bridge  is
                       acceptable  since  the  amended  design  of the  vesting  tentative tract map  ensures
                       and is consistent with construction of adequate infrastructure to access the site.

                24.    The Hearing Officer finds that a modification to the conditional use permit is required
                       to address the map amendments approved relating to  immaterial changes such as
                       differences  in  lot  numbers,  clarification  of grading  quantities  and  other  reduced
                       impacts associated with the project.

                25.    Approval of this amendment map does not change the December 7, 2017 expiration
                       date of Vesting Tentative Tract Map 060922.
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